Watagash Arc: Arrival

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Because Boruto has a lot of fillers right now I decided to make this short arc of mine to put more Dragon Ball stuff in this story. I hope you enjoy! 


Today, Gohan was assigned with team 15. In a nearby town, something fell from the sky. The townspeople requested for Konoha shinobi to check it out. This is what Gohan, Wasabi, Namida, Sumire, and Hanabi sensei were assigned to do. Although Gohan was the only guy in the group, he got along with the girls well. In fact, Hanabi sensei had even said he had a gentler attitude than any of them. 

"Uuggghh, I hope this is done quick. I don't like being away from home," complained Wasabi.

The team was jumping through the trees as they made their way to the crash site. 

"Something that fell from the sky! What could it be? What if it's the Otsutsuki? Or a giant monster? Or ALIENS?!" cried Namida. She looked as if she was about to cry.

"Don't be too scared Namida. I'm sure it was just debris or something...right Gohan?" said Sumire in effort to calm her teammate. She reached out to Gohan for support.

"Yeah, it can't be anything bad. Besides, if we're all working together, there's no way we'll be in trouble," added Gohan.

The team continued onto their trail. Wasabi and Namida began their own conversation and Hanabi remained leading up front. Gohan was thinking of something very important...he realized that he had never been to the famous Dango Shop (Dumpling shop) back at the Leaf Village. It was well known for its sweets. 

Gohan looked to his left

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Gohan looked to his left. Maybe Sumire knew a thing or two about the shop. "Hey Sumire."

Sumire took quick notice to his call. "Hm? What's up Gohan?" 

Gohan jumped a little closer to Sumire. "Have you ever tasted the treats from the Dango Shop?"

Sumire grinned. She thought it was going to be a more important topic, but Gohan loved his food. He was a funny guy. "Yeah, I've been there a few times. The treats are really good. It ranges from dango and anmitsu. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I've never been there before and I would hate to miss out on such delicious food!" exclaimed Gohan.

"You should definitely try it soon."

"I was going to ask Mitsuki to go. He's never been there either, but it seems like he's not that interested," replied Gohan. 

"Why don't you ask Cho-Cho? I'm pretty sure she'd love to go," suggested Sumire.

Gohan frowned a bit. "You see, Cho-Cho might eat too much...I just want to taste." But Gohan knew he was lying to himself. With an appetite like his, he would devour many dumplings. And If Cho-Cho went, there would be competition.

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