Contest Results

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A bit late, I know. But, I decided that late was better than never, so without further a-due - here is the graded results of the story contest I had! Thank you all for participating, I loved each entry so much! 

So: Three people entered the contest (If you entered but don't see yourself, PLEASE TELL ME, HUN! I'll FIX IT ASAP!)

@flyingwhiteraven for your one shot I awarded you the 'Forever Huntress' award. You earned 78 points. It was interesting to see that Olive was still a hunter with her mother after all that time. And, if left me wondering what happened between Olive and Percy. Very good :) 

@c-camisado for your one-shot I awarded you the 'D-Double?' Award. I love the fact that you rolled with the girls looking alike and your flow for the story was amazing - I'm looking forward to more, if you ever do more. You earned 90 points! Congratulations.

@words_collide08 for your one-shot you won the 'Where...Where Am I?' Award. I really enjoyed the fact that our two characters met in that odd realm of the Hunger Games. It was TOTALLY random and crazy captivating - I wish you would have written more! Ahaha, I awarded you 88 points. Great job xD !

So, with out further prolonging: The winner of the contests is: *le drum-roll* @c-camisado ! Thank you so much, you have won a dedication in the next book [DoA] and you can PM me, telling me which of your stories you would like me to review and critique :) 

Are you guys excited for Daughter of Apollo?
                   No? Oh... okay...

PS: be sure to watch the video on the side... it would make me feel better about my life - the life i wasted making it.... thank you for pitying me ;3

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