The Worst Pep Talk Ever

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Dedicated to Amerald for the funny comment: ' *dramatic but hopeful music playing in the background* ;) Love it! ' Thank you for lighting up my day with that hun! x)

Song For This Chapter: Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwrigh (don't ask why... I just love this song)

Ch. 13 - The Worst Pep Talk Ever

    "Dionysus." I felt my heart thud a little in my chest - I had been taken off guard by the fact someone had been waiting on the beach. Mr. D rose a wicked brow, sending me a sharp glare. I looked around the beach for the source of the voice, because I knew it was not Mr. D's.     

    Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms over his chest. "Just because my Father changed your status doesn't mean we are on first name basis, Oliviae."

     Rolling my eyes, I mimicked him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Sorry... Mr. D, then." Turning slightly, my eyes rested on the electrifying ones of Thalia Grace. "You."

     "You." She smirked, a bag over her shoulder. "Came to see me off? Or are you coming with?" She hopped from foot to foot, obviously anxious to find Annabeth. "The Hunters are preparing to leave back at the camp."

     "Leave? You have received instructions already?" I rose a brow. I knew that Percy was upset over not being allowed to tag along, but he hadn't told me the prophecy - only Penny's prophecy. "I had... I can't." I snapped roughly, my back straightening a little. "What was the prophecy?"

     Thalia furrowed her brow and sent an unsure look in Mr. D's direction, questioning whether it was alright to say it or not. "Uh - Well, it said this: Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, A goddesses presence appears without fail, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunters combined shall prevail, The Titan's curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent's hand. And since you just showed up... 'without fail' I figure... You're the goddess."

     Swallowing a lump in my throat, I took a shaky breath and felt the freezing lake water lap at my toes, the cold inter air nip at my exposed arms, Olympus had been much warmer. "I figure you are right-"

     Thalia grinned and cracked her knuckles. "Great - let's get on it then, who knows what they could be doing to Artemis-"

     I cleared my throat and glared down at my sandals buried in the icy sand. "I figure you are right... But I can't go with you just yet - there are somethings I need to take care of before hand." I looked up at the daughter of Zeus, she didn't look happy. She gave me an astonished look.

     "Are, are you serious? If you aren't coming because of Percy - that's the most preposterous thing I've ever heard!" She begun to grow more animated, and I almost could swear her skin was crackling with electricity - if she merely were to poke me with her finger a thousand volts would no doubt shoot through me.

     I shot her a silencing glare. "Don't question my motives, Thalia." I turned towards Mr. D with a sigh, then cast Thalia an apologetic frown. "Look, I'm sorry - I will be coming for my Mother - but I have a few things that need to be taken care of before I can follow you on your quest. It is best if you all leave and I catch up." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Please don't think I don't love my Mother - but there are more family matters that need to be done before hand..." In case I don't get a second chance to do it after the quest.

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