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Picture on the right is pertaining to one of the prophecies ;) 

One of my favorite comments on the last chapter: Murpheye 'Ah, once again, you've made another amazing chapter, ah, the beautiful feels of goddesses looking like your mother and the beautiful amazingness of your writing, keep it up! :D' Awe, thank you so much, hun - your comments always bring a smile to my face! x)

Song For This Chapter: Frame and Focus - Lights

Ch. 10 - Prophecies

    Aphrodite took a few long strides around me, making me stand in the center of the room while she sized me up - literally. With measuring tape and nimble fingers, I was extremely confused about what she was actually doing.  

    "Uh..." I opened my mouth to say something while she was humming to herself, taking in my sizes - the size of my torso, my arm, even my ankles. Closing my mouth, I shook my head - thinking better of it. There was a strong part of me that just didn't want to know what she was up to. 

    "Very nice, very nice." She muttered to herself, tapping a finger onto her chin with a smirk and shaking her head at me. 

    Blushing a little, I hugged myself from the feeling of discomfort and gave her a frown. "Sorry, but what is nice?" 

    "Nothing, hun. Nothing - just talking to myself." Aphrodite sighed, rubbing her temples as her mood switched from being cheerful to being overwhelmed and slightly sad. "I get it now." She chuckled slightly and began running her thin fingers through her cascade of red hair. "And who said love was easy."

    "Who said?" I rose a brow, she was most definitely talking to herself, but I couldn't manage to piece everything together with the rate her mind was traveling. Shaking my head, I felt a wave of frustration as she began measuring the shape of my head and the length of my nose. "I'm sorry, but what has this got to do with anything."

    "Everything, sweetheart." Aphrodite's eyes widened with a look of shock as she processed my question. She seemed to think that I should have figured the answer out for myself. "Love is a combination of factors, it does not just happen between two people, it is a process. A very long, grueling process." 

    "Oh," I only replied, honestly having nothing to say back to her, and knowing that she would probably think less of me if I argued her any further. With one last measurement of my neck she smirked and set everything aside. 

    Humming a tune that I'd never heard before, she begun scribbling notes down on a loose-leaf paper she had on her desk and then looked up at me. "Well. I guess that's it for now."

    You didn't do anything but measure me... I wanted to retort, but I held my tongue - I've gotten good at holding back my snide remarks. 

    Aphrodite assessed me with her emerald green eyes and she nodded to herself. "One thing you should do well to remember, love isn't easy - I don't like making it easy. So, don't expect me to be a softy on you just because you have those big, blue eyes." I opened my mouth to say something, but she held out a hand to stop me. "This will require a lot of sacrifice from you, Oliviae. A lot... Are you willing to pay the price in the end?"

    Swallowing a thick lump in my throat, I honestly didn't know how to answer her. I knew I needed to think over her question more thoroughly, that my decision couldn't be rash or too sudden. Frowning, I played with my fingers and gave Aphrodite a small frown. After a few seconds, I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes, I am."

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