The Hunt

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One of my favorite comments(hard to pick, there so many sweet ones!) on the last chapter:

 KoyomiMizuhara2 - This is just so fantastic. I really like it how u made her blend in with the original story for the titans curse. Your amazing :) keep up the good work. Thank you so much, all of you! It means a lot because I'm really trying to focus more on the books on this one xxJess

Song for this Chapter: Demons - Imagine Dragons (thank you OliviaSpangle soo much, this one is for you, hun!)

Ch. 4 - The Hunt

Annabeth's PoV: 

    Thalia twisted a leather bracelet around her wrist for the millionth time in the matter of moments we'd been sitting at the archery area of camp. Percy was sulking again while he strung another arrow, the look on his face was only one I could describe as anticipation.

    Something was going to happen, we all knew that. The only problem was knowing what and when. Apparently, however, Percy seemed to know the who: Olivia and Thalia.

    I'd long ago stopped trying to convince him that Olive was gone, that she wasn't coming back. I'd watched her die. I'd seen the... the blood, so much blood - everywhere, spilling from her. And I had also heard her heart stop beating. There was no plausible explanation to explain Percy's delusions, and if there was some explanation, Percy had not told me.

    "So, tell me about her." Thalia offered, face pulled into a mask of zero emotion while she picked something off the tip of her arrow's head. "Olive, I mean. I can tell you are thinking about her - you're face aways scrunches up like that when you are thinking about something unpleasant. So, did you hate her?"

    "What?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes, pulling my curls over to the right side of my neck and letting out a low sigh as I watched Percy barely hit the target with an arrow. "No, no. Olive and I were.... We were... Friends actually - which seems weird to think about now; at first we hated each other. But that quickly changed."

    "So then, what happened?" Thalia's brow crumpled and she shook her head, second guessing herself. "Never mind, you don't have to tell me if you'd prefer not to. I'd rather not stick my nose where it doesn't belong, you know?"

    I chuckled and shook my head. "No, no. That's fine - I'm okay to tell the story, but it will differ depending on who you ask."

    "What do you mean?" Thalia's electric eyes flashed wearily.

    "It all happened over a year ago, I guess." I sighed, the time line seemed crazy once I said it out loud. I felt like I had just woken up to Olive's terrible singing in the shower last week, or went berry hunting with her just this Friday. "You heard about the mission to get the Lightning Bolt, yeah?"

    Thalia only nodded and motioned for me to go on.

    "Well, then you have heard of Olivia Smith - the dodransgod. The one who went with Percy, Grover, and I." Thalia's face contorted in confusion at the word 'dodransgod' and I just nodded, quickly explaining. "A dodransgod is a child of a demi god and god of Olympus, they are extremely rare to come by and are forbidden by your Father, Zeus, because of their untapped power."

    "She must have been really powerful then?" Thalia grinned, probably thinking up some incredible 'super hero' persona of Olive, which would be something completely off the mark.

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