Gold Pomegranate

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< things are about to hit the fan... >

Song For This Chapter: Run - Daughter

Ch. 25: Gold Pomegranate

    Sighing, I leant against the cold window pane, trying to ignore the stares that Percy was sending my way. I could tell he felt slightly betrayed. We were a 'team' and yet, here I am, just as closed off as ever. It hurt me more than it hurt him, but he didn't know that.

    Turning to him, I bit my lip, debating on just telling him now and getting it over with, but Thalia quickly perked up from the passenger seat, eyes wide. "Stop the car, now!" She shouted, unlocking her door and motioning for us to do the same.

    Zoë slammed her foot down on the brake while shivers began to tremor down my spine; something was terribly wrong. The little car swerved a few times before stopping short on the edge of the mountain's edge. 

    "OUT!" Thalia blurted, yanking open her door as I did the same with the one on Percy's side - shoving Percy out of the metal contraption and onto the pavement along with my backpack. I was halfway out of the car myself when the lightning struck.


    The lightning flashed behind my closed eyelids, sending 100,000 volts of pure, raw electricity up my nervous system. It was a complex sensation. I could feel my muscles contracting and manipulating, I could feel my heart trying to battle the speed, but everything was too much. The pain was the last thing that my brain could calculate.

    It knocked me a good six feet away from the others, and my vision went dark. 


    I watched Olive in horror as she was late out of the car, saving Percy and her bag first. My eyes landed on the backpack - obviously it was very important to her. I felt the power of electricity coarse through her bones as she withered and shot through the air, in a dead heap.

    "Holy shit!" I cursed, eyes flickering from where Percy was laying, dumbfounded, on the dirt path. "Percy - roll her over!" 

    Percy blinked quickly, rocketing up from his place on the floor and rushing towards the totally fried goddess. "Is she going to be okay?" Percy pleaded at me, rolling Olive onto her back and pushing her burnt bangs away from her face.

    I kept a stone-cold face, "She's a goddess, she'll be just fine..." But, honestly I had not the slightest idea. "She... her brain just needs a little time to recuperate - that's all."

    Percy only gave me a concerned face, causing my anger to boil up inside myself. That bastard, how dare my Father do that?! "One shall perish by a parent's hand?! Curse him!" I spat, watching Percy watch Olive as she began to regain her breathing pattern, "He would destroy me? Me?"

    Percy glanced up at my pissed face, raising a brow, "Oh, hey, that probably wasn't Zeus's bolt of lightning. No way -"

    "- Right," I rolled my eyes, not wanting to here Percy's excuses. I lowered two fingers down to Olive's neck, checking to see if her pulse was steady. It was fast, but quickly steadying. 

    "No, really! It was probably Kronos - you and I both know that he is trying to manipulate you. Don't let him get inside your head," he trailed off, sighing a little as Olive slowly began to come to.

    Frowning, I realized that we were missing an annoying presence that would, no doubt, be very worried at the sight of her goddess's daughter out cold. "Where is Zoë?" 

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