How To Be A Goddess

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Check out the NEW and IMPROVED trailer on the side :)) Dedicated to blossomzzz for the featured cover on the side as well !

Ch. 17 - How To Be A Goddess

    I was walking on starlight, my eboney hair adorned with silver novas, my dress was the very one Aphrodite had sent me off with. As I wandered among the stars, I looked down to see my feet were bare and below me - a great, wide ocean spread out to catch me if I fell.

    "So," A sweet voice murmured around in my mind, causing me to glance up and gaze upon the woman standing boldly in front of me, fiery red hair splayed around her in velvet waves. "This, this is what you dream about."

    Her hazel-green eyes crinkled around the edges, her hands shook a little and she sat down on a throne of marble that had propped out of the sky. Elegantly, she crossed her ankles and gave me a smirk. "Aphrodite?"

    Her eyes flashed from my mother's hazel green to Percy's sea green as she sighed and let out a low chuckle. "I was incognito - I thought I was doing rather well, too." Waving her palm up into the air, a marble pillar rose up across from her and she motioned towards it. "Sit down, Oliviae. We need to talk."

    "My mother was never one for fancy dresses." I motioned towards her golden dress that pronounced all of Aphrodite's features. Pushing my hair behind my shoulder, I gently placed myself down onto the chair she had provided. "Not to be rude, or anything, but why have you called me here?"

    Aphrodite sighed and rested her head atop her dainty hands. "I've come to teach you how to be a goddess."

    Raising a brow, I cocked my head to the side and gave her a questioning glance. "Why?" 

    Aphrodite chuckled, obviously a little annoyed by my relentless questions, but she answered none-the-less. "Because you seem to be uneducated in everything you have acquired in your new form, plus Hera demanded I show you what you will be losing if you decide to chose love over life."

    "I don't really think that is necessary." I chewed the inside of my lip, then intertwined my fingers together nervously. "How have I been doing?" I paused, then corrected myself. "I-I mean, I haven't angered Zeus in any way - right?" 

    Aphrodite chuckled a little and shook her head at me. "Sweetheart, do you see him throwing a fit? I don't think so." She waved her hands and pulled a small frown onto her pretty face. "You see - Hera and I have the situation concerning you covered. You may not be aware of this, but I am the oldest Olympian..." She paused, seemingly considering something. "Well - if you count Hestia - but no one really does." 

    I didn't know this, so it came as a small shock - yet it made sense to me; Zeus would only agree to keep me alive if a powerful person was backing me. "Alright, so that makes sense. But.. about the whole 'goddess' thing, should it really matter?"

    As soon as those words left my mouth, I felt as if I needed to wake up - or something to escape the wrath of an angered Aphrodite. Her face darkened a little and her eyes gleamed madly. "Yes. It is very important - these may be the difference between life and death!" She hissed, making me recoil slightly.

    The sea below me churned uneasily - as if angered by the rough was Aphrodite was talking to me. It gave me a small sense of reassurance, but I straightened myself out and gave her a relaxed smile. "Right, M'lady, I forget the importance of the godly affairs." 

    For a moment, I was right beck where I had started. I was once more one of their pawns. Over the small amount of time I had been away from the Olympians' influence, I had regained small bits of myself back - but if they kept visiting me, I feared all of my humanity would be stripped away for good.

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