I'm Allergic To Cats

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Song For This Chapter: I Love You More Than You'll Ever Know - NeverShout!Never (Okay - it was really uncanny how much this song reminds me of Olive and Percy, this is their THEME song. Seriously.) 

Ch. 15 - I'm Allergic To Cats

    Thalia's electric blue eyes stared curiously into mine as the bus jolted down the road expertly. Despite how nervous I initially was to get inside Zoë's van, she was an excellent driver. 

    "You've really got this driving thing down, huh Zoë?" I smirked a little as I leaned over the seat in front of me to beam politely at her. 

     Zoë smiled tightly and shot me a grateful look. "Yes, I have been driving since the automobile was invented. So, it would be only natural."

     I cocked a brow at this, and leaned back in my seat. She was a lot older than I had thought. There was the sound of someone clearing their throat, and I turned to look at the source, Thalia. "So, Olivia -"

      Frowning a little, I shook my head at her. "Uh, Olivia's a little too formal for me - you can call me Olive - or Oli. Only certain people call me Olivia." I chuckled a little as Grover nodded. I hadn't realized how much I missed the silly satyr.

     "Certain people." Thalia smirked, eyes sparking. The way her body showed her coursing power really concerned me. It also made me question if Percy's body acted that way, but with resemblances of the sea. "People like Percy?"

     Zoë's grip on the steering wheel tightened and she grumbled under her breath while Bianca bit back  smile - trying to act as if the thought appalled her, but we all knew she was fine with boys. 

     "Yeah, actually." I nodded, blushing a little and pushing a strand of ebony hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my braid. Bianca had insisted on me letting her do my hair, so I had caved - and ended up with the styled hair that was customary to Hunters. 

     I think they are trying to convert me.

     Thalia's face broke out in an excited grin, taking me by surprise. "Great!" She stretched her thick, combat clad, feet out in front of her and gave me a lax smile. 

     "Uhm," I rose a brow, looking around as I had caught the attention of all the demigods in the van with me. "Sorry, but how is that great?"

     Thalia shot a sinister glare at the back of Zoë's head, then turned back to me. "Well - you like him, a lot, which means you can't really join the Hunters. It's good to know that there is still some sane people on this mission with me."

     "That's enough, scullion!" Zoë yelled slightly, never taking her eyes off the road. However, the the tone of her voice, I was kind of glad her eyes had not fixed on us - we may have been killed just by her stare. "Lady Oliviae will not be disrespected by thou's remarks. She is bound by blood, and her decisions reflect her mother - what ever she does, I know she will do in retrospect of Lady Artemis."

     Thalia's hands sparked, bright blue veins of live electricity coursing around her fingertips, begging to smack Zoë Nightshade in the face and barbecue her. "She's aloud to do what ever she wants." She refrained herself and spared me a curious look. "Annabeth told me you were dead, so obviously you can understand my curiosity."

         "She told you I was dead?"

     Thalia nodded, her black hair bobbing slightly as she did. "Yup. She also said Percy was crazy for hoping you would come back. I think she was a little jealous of you. I hope we get her back soon. I'm dying being surrounded by all these prudes.

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