Sounds Good To Me

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Song For This Chapter: Far Too Young To Die - Panic! At The Disco

Ch. 18 - Sounds Good To Me

    A still silence hung over the cool, mountain air as we walked over to the store Percy and the others decided to check out. In my new jacket, I shivered against the cold and took a sip of the coffee in my hand as Bianca and Percy came out to meet us.

    "Where is Thalia?" I rose a brow, looking towards the store front, but the rebellious daughter of Zeus was no where to be found.  

    Percy frowned a little and cast a glance towards the snow covered forest behind us. "She went off looking for a bus station or taxi service, but the store clerk told Bianca and I that we've missed the last shuttle until tomorrow." He frowned a little, casting me a small look. "Looks like we're stuck." He pulled the lion coat around his shoulders and gave me a reassuring smile, stepping closer to me.

    Bianca sighed and brushed her bangs out of her face, sending me a reassuring look. Perhaps I seemed as if I needed reassurance that everything was still going to plan. That what I was doing was right. Grinning, I handed Percy his hot chocolate as Zoë passed Bianca her drink as well.

    Quickly, I snatched a warm bag from out of Grover's grasp before he ate the contents. "Here, I got you a blueberry muffin, and a chocolate chip on for you, Bianca." I nodded at her while offering them the warm food. If we were stuck here, may as well enjoy ourselves.

    Huffing, Zoë pulled everyone's attention back to the main problem. "We should do the tracking spell once more." She turned to Grover who was eating a muffin wrapper. "Do you have any more acorns?"

    "Uh..." Grover patted down his pockets before suddenly freezing over as a strong, warm wind blew past us carrying the stench of spring time in the dead of winter. Encased inside the wind was a melodic voice, but is was shrouded - as if trying to call out a warning from a world away.

        Suddenly, all Hell broke loose. Slipping out of his fingers, Grover's coffee cup toppled to the ground, in mid-air the painted doves on the plastic peeled off and took flight, a horde of real doves dispersing into the sky. Dropping to his knees, Grover collapsed next to his steaming coffee in the snow.

    "Grover!" Bianca and I blurted out, dropping down onto the ground next to him and rolling him over to get him on his back. "What's wrong with him?" Bianca asked me frantically, dark eyes searching me for some coherent answer, but I had no idea. Under our hands, Grover groaned, eyes fluttering in a daze. 

    There was the sound of feet rushing towards us and Thalia popped up next to us, electric eyes flickering with fear. "Hey - What's wrong with Grover?" She prodded, grabbing his arm with a slightly concerned glare. 

    "I don't know," Percy frowned, "He...just collapsed." 

    Thalia grunted and yanked Grover onto his feet. "Well, get on your feet!" She yelled, spear in her other hand. "We have to get out of here." She glanced behind us, towards the trees as if she had been followed. "Now."

    Casting her a quick glance, Zoë and I nodded in agreement. "Here, I'll help." I smiled softly to Bianca as she struggled to support the loopy Grover. "Come on." 

    Fighting against the strong pull of the snow, we had made it to the outskirts of the small town before the skeleton warriors caught up to us. They came from the trees, surrounding us on either side and slowly closing in. Struggling under Grover's weight, I considered tossing him to the ground and facing the zombies head on, but I quickly turned that option down. I couldn't leave Bianca defenseless to hold up Grover by herself.

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