Meeting Dr. Thorn

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Song For Chapter: Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran (it's the song in the video)

Ch. 23: Meeting Dr. Thorn

    Standing behind us, a tall, rugged man glared. He had two different colored eyes, blue and brown that gleamed with a malicious intent. I felt like I had met this man before, but, I couldn't seem to place him with a name. 

  "This is just pairr-fect," he grinned, hissing a little. Sizing him up, I took in the ratty trench coat stained with various things and his unruly hair that was matted and greasy. Frankly, he didn't look like much of a threat, however, the defensive stance Percy took in front of me and the way he edged towards Bessie, told me other wise. 

    The man opened his mouth with a wicked smirk and began to tell us a story that I couldn't care less to hear, "Long ago, the gods banished me to Persia, I was forced to scrounge for food on the edges of the world, hiding in forests, devouring insignificant human farmers for my meals -,"

    Clearing my throat, I tilted my head to the side, interrupting him, "Sorry, but who are you? And, why do I care?" 

    The man faltered at this, left eye twitching in slight annoyance. He sent me a sharp look over, then spat out: "I'm not sure I've met this one before." He stuck his nose in the air, "None the less, you too shall be eaten." 

    Percy sent me a small look and muttered under his breath, "That's Dr. Thorn -"

  "The Manticore, remember Oliviae?" Zoë nodded towards me, itching for her bow and arrows. 

    My mind flashed back to the day when Annabeth had plummeted down the cliff latched onto the Manticore's back, then, anger flared up inside me. Taking a step forward, I was accosted by one of the four, paid, mercenaries that stood on either side of the monster, pushed back roughly. 

     "Where is she, you bastard!?" I blurted out, earning glances of surprise not only from Dr. Thorn and his lackeys, but also my group. Ignoring them, I asked again, "Where is Annabeth, and, where is my Mother?!" 

    He stared hard at me for a good, long minute before tossing his head back and laughing a boisterous cackle. Once he was done regaining his breath, he sent me a sharp snarl, "I haven't the smallest idea of whom you are referring to. I don't know anyone by the name of Annebell - and, how should I know who your mom is? Get a grip."

    Thalia cursed him under her breath while Percy clenched his fists in anger. "You lie," Thalia snarled, lightning coursing around her fingertips. 

    Dr. Thorn sent her a look of pity, "Oh, don't even think about starting a fight, you silly mortals. You won't get anywhere with it - I assure you."

    "We beat you once before," Percy reminded him, eyes flickering towards Bessie in worry.

    "Ha!" The Manticore threw back Percy's words with a sarcastic laugh, "You could barely fight me with a goddess on your side. And, alas... that goddess is preoccupied at the moment. There will be no help for you now."

    I ripped my dagger from my belt, ready to pounce at his words. Dr. Thorn nodded towards the same solider that had shoved me earlier. Quickly, he drew his handgun and pressed the cool, thick metal against my temple. 

    "Don't test me," The Manticore hissed.

    I shot him daggers and tilted my head up, yanking away from the gun. "You couldn't kill me."

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