Son of Hades

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  • Dedicated to you, dear reader

dedicated to you all, thank you for sticking around this long, guys!

Song For Chapter: Whispers In The Dark - Mumford & Sons (Let's end on a happy note, shall we?)

Ch. 30: Son of Hades

                           "a story's end is another story's beginning" - Jess

    In the early hours of the morning, the Hunters and Artemis escorted us back down to New York City. In Artemis's carriage, she transported Thalia, Annabeth, and I to Camp Half-Blood, while the boys were picked up by Argus. 

    I'd had expected the ride to be filled with silence, but it was the opposite. Thalia began a detailed story, describing all that we'd done trying to find Artemis and Annabeth. I sat in the back, a smile plastered on my lips. It sounded much more heroic when Thalia told the story, more heroic than it had felt.

    By the time we landed next to the forest edge, Thalia had only gotten to the part where Ares and Aphrodite had showed up on the scene. "This is your guys's stop, I guess," Thalia sighed, ducking her head as Annabeth and I climbed out. The sound of wheels kicking up gravel filled our ears as Argus dropped Percy and Grover off on the side of the road.

    "You know, Olive," Artemis called towards me, silver eyes glinting with a slight amusement, "Your home on Olympus is still yours. You can stay with Apollo, up on Olympus, for the winter - instead of this freezing camp," She paused, eyes scanning the snow covered pines, "Or, you can join Thalia and I on the Hunt - new and rare game are just waiting to be discovered."

    Annabeth hesitated beside me, but whispered a quick goodbye as she raced to meet up with Percy and Grover at the edge of the trees, three pairs of eyes watching me intently to see what I would decide to do.

    I ran a hand through my hair, thinking about the possibilities of going on the Hunt, or going back to Olympus, or even just staying at the camp - the camp where I had practically no friends. Turning my head towards the Camp entrance, Percy lifted a hand and sent me a reassuring smile - telling me to decide what I wanted for myself.

    After a small deliberation, I reached forward and wrapped my arms around my mother's small, child-like shoulders and gave her a tight hug. "Thank you, Mom," I pulled away and grabbed my bag off the floor of the carriage as I stepped out, "But, I think I'll brave the weather here for a little while. Some time away from Olympus would do me well."

    Artemis nodded and sent me a soft smile. "Then, until we meet again, Olivia Smith."

    "Until we meet again," I nodded back, watching as she flicked her reigns, pulling the deer into the air and taking off into the sky - off onto her next hunt.

    Sighing, I felt a chapter of my life shut. But, as I turned on my heel and was greeted with the beaming faces of Percy, Annabeth, and Grover, I felt the next chapter of my life begin to write itself. Perhaps, this would be a better chapter. A comfortable chapter.

        But, who was I kidding?

    We trekked up to Half-Blood hill, losing Anna and Grover as they went to the Great Hall to meet with Chiron. There was a rumor that he'd made s'mores and hot chocolate for every one. But, I wasn't the least bit interested. 

    Instead, I pocketed my hands and walked beside Percy to the eighth cabin that was in Half-Blood Camp. It gleamed silver in the low, morning light, reflecting the last of the star light just before the sun was about to rise. Artemis's cabin was a sight to be seen.

    And, it was my new home. 

    Pushing open the door, I turned to grin at Percy. "Would you like to come inside?" I asked, arching a brow, "It would most definitely be the first time a boy has been inside." 

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