The Daughter of Zeus

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Hey guys! Wow Chapter 2! So, in this story, there will be a lot more of 'Percy's Point of View', if that gets annoying, you can comment and say:

"Hey...Shut up with the Percy already - we can read the books if we want to know what he's thinking!!" Which.. I doubt will happen, but if that's how you feel - go ahead ;)


flyersgirlxoxo - Please update! This is so sad i cried like 10 times! This is not fair for olive and percy! And i ship them! Not pecabeth! Please update!!!!!

You made me smile! Thank you so much for the uplifting comments everyone! 

Song for this Chap is: Thinking of You - Katy Perry

Ch. 2 - The Daughter of Zeus

Olivia's Pov:

    Hephaestus grinned and crossed his arms over his chest as I made my way into his mansion around two in the morning. "Well, aren't you lucky? I was just about to leave for the Underworld." He grinned, stretching out his large, calloused hands towards his iron table filled with what appeared to be blueprints and maps. "I assume you've come to start planning your palace or what not?"

    Numbly, I nodded. Hermes's words had still shaken me from earlier. Why would he tell me that he was going to see Percy? Did he really want me to drop everything and run to Earth with him? No, of course not. I shook my head and looked around the black palace of Hephaestus. Hermes was only testing my resolve.

    "Yeah, I guess so." I nodded and he grinned a breaming smile at me, it made me almost forget about how disfigured he really was. Hephaestus nodded and unraveled a large blueprint. It was a replica of Mount Olympus.

    "So, I was assuming you'd want your palace to be here..." He jabbed a blackened finger on top of a field of empty land right between Artemis and Apollo's palaces. "So you can be close." He trailed off, watching my eyes as they wandered to the farthest point on the map towards a large lake that seemed to drop off the map entirely. It was completely secluded outside of a few minor god residences.

    Slowly, I trailed my finger over to that area curiously. "What is that land over there?" I brought my eyes up to watch Hephaestus give me a weary scowl. "Is it off limits?" I added, even though I knew it wasn't, he just didn't want my palace there.

    "No, no... It's just that that land is bordering the property of Poseidon, the end of the lake that drops off the map is like a portal to his palace under the sea." When I only gave him a determined, blank stare he sighed and explained further. "Look, Oliviae. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be neighbors with Poseidon, especially as Zeus barely trusts you."

    Smirking, I refused to back down. "It's only a place to stay, besides, if Zeus truly has a problem with it, I'm sure he will voice it to me personally."

    Hephaestus frowned deeply at me, not liking the fact I was so easy to challenge Zeus. And maybe he was right, maybe I was stepping on some toes here. But frankly, after being trapped up here for almost a year already, I could care less. If Zeus didn't trust me by now - he never will.

    "If you are sure about this, Oliviae." He grinned and circled the property with a felt pen. "Then, it will be done. With sounds better? Greek columns or modernized?" 

    I grinned and took a dusty blue print from the corner of his desk. Rolling it open, I sketched over the palace of Apollo which was more modernized, and put in some flying buttresses. "How about Gothic art? Not everything should be Greek up here, it looks too standard." I gave him and example and he just nodded thoughtfully, taking notes in his head.

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