The Chases

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Song For This Chapter: All I Want - Kodaline

Ch. 24: The Chases

    The sun was slowly beginning to set already, it had to be around three, and by the looks of things, we were not going to make it to Zoë's island in time. 

    Zoë sighed, voicing my opinions. "We are moving too slow, but, we cannot leave the Ophiotaurus."

    Percy kept up the pace, sparing Bessie a small glance of concern, "I don't get it, why do we have to get there specifically at sunset?" 

    "The Hesperides are nymphs of the sunset," Zoë murmured, sparing me a small glance of concern - no doubt considering what Mr. D could have been talking about in the Iris message, "We can only enter the garden as day changes to night."

    "And, if we miss it?" 

    "Tomorrow is the winter solstice," I muttered, piecing everything out for Percy, Grover, and Thalia as we rushed across the pier. I could tell by their faces that they were beginning to feel winded, but, we couldn't slow down now. "If we miss the sunset tonight, we would not be able to get in until tomorrow evening,"

    Zoë nodded, sparing them a cold eye, "And, by then, the Olympian Council will be over. We must free Lady Artemis tonight."

    Thalia let a thick silence settle between the five of us before interjecting, "We need a car."

    "But, what about Bessie?" Percy rose a brow while Grover's face stretched into a bright-eyed epiphany.

    "I've got an idea! Bessie can appear in different bodies of water, right?" He nudged Percy, eyes flickering with a low light. "So, maybe we can coax him to Long Island Sound," Grover continued as Percy nodded, "Then, Chiron would be able to help us get him to Olympus."

    Percy frowned a little, glancing towards the sea-cow with concern. "But, he was following me, I can't just leave now."

    "I... I can show him," Grover responded, I could sense how unconfident the satyr was about the idea. But, we didn't really have any other choice. "I'm the only one who can talk to him, so, it makes sense."

        I felt an uneasy pull against my navel as I watched Grover step to the plate, "Perhaps Percy could pray to Poseidon and see if he will grant you both safe passage," I suggested, hoping it would ease some of the bitter emotions surging through the group.

    Nodding, we slowed our pace and stood at the water's edge. Percy took a deep breath, sparing me a small smile before slipping his eyes shut and letting out a nervous prayer, "Dad, help us. Get the Ophiotaurus and Grover safely to camp. Protect them at sea." 

    "A prayer like that needs a sacrifice," Thalia commented, her electrifying blue eyes piercing Percy, "Something big."

    Percy considered it for a short while, trying to think of something worthy enough to produce a sure connection of safe passage. A small, icy wind cut through the air and caused his windbreaker to flap against it. 

    Pausing, he slid his hands down the front of his coat, shedding it with a somber look in his sea-green eyes, much to my surprise.

    "Percy," Grover voiced the same thoughts going through my own mind, "Are you sure? That lion skin... it belonged to Hercules!"

    Biting my bottom lip, I glanced towards Zoë as she stood, stone-faced, beside me, watching Percy with intent curiosity. We both we wondering if he really was going to do it.

    Peering directly into Zoë's careful eyes, Percy gave her a knowing nod, "If I'm going to survive, it won't be because I've got a lion-skin coat," he lowered his eyes towards the ripping waves, "I'm not Hercules." Then, he tossed the shimmering fur into the water, the gold causing the heavy material to sink quickly, dissolving as it did.

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