205th Isle

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One of my favorite comments on the last chapter was:

 Percylover11 - I love Olivia, she has.... spunk. I love her, for testing the gods, I would bite at the opportunity to do something like that, especially after what they did. Keep on writing! <3

Thank you all for the uplifting comments, it means a lot that you like Olive, especially after all the  comments I have been receiving against her character... and my story....  :) So.. Yeah, Thank you they really lift my spirits :) 

Song for this Chapter: Team - Lorde

Ch. 3 - 205th Isle:

    Thalia Grace, huh? The name sounded familiar, and the more I thought about it - I had a faint feeling Annabeth had told me a story about her once upon a time, or at least mentioned her name. However, I knew for a fact that I did not know her story.

    Gnawing my bottom lip, I paced around the Library of Olympus - my palace had been completed a week go, but I had yet to step one foot inside the threshold. All of Olympus was in a state of after-shock. Word of Zeus's newly found daughter had spread like wildfire and they were trying to contain the mixed emotions sent out from the minor gods and creatures. 

    Mainly, I felt worried for the girl - even though I didn't know a thing about her. From what I was aware of, Zeus could be the very last parent I'd wish to have, plus she probably had Hera on her back, the she-devil herself. Hera absolutely hated children Zeus spawned with mortals.

    Meanwhile all while all the commotion was being contained, I had been in the Library, which I had accidentally stumbled upon. It was a marvelous place, larger than any library I had ever been in, that was a sure thing. 

    Gnosis was the librarian, a worker for my father, Apollo. The first time I had walked into the library, he'd jumped up from the big desk with shock and gave me a deep bow, nose scraping the marble flooring. "M'lady," He'd said. "I'm glad to see you have found your way into one of your father's houses."

    I hadn't known at the time that Apollo was also the god of books. But, it made immediate sense. Grinning, I asked him about the books. He nodded quickly and directed me towards the 205th isle, "That's where you'll find what you are looking for".

    Nodding at him, I'd walked down the rows and rows of ancient looking books. The Library looked to be as a museum full of ancient manuscripts and new documents, it was ever growing. Each time I came in which was everyday, there was a new section added on.

    The 205th isle, however, was something that stopped me in my tracks. It looked desolate and in need of a deep cleaning. Cobwebs littered the bookshelves, showing just how under used this section was. It almost seemed as if it was a sneer at the collectors of the books.

    The books, were what I'd come up with on a strange whim. These rows and rows of thick, sturdy manuscripts were filled with the tales of every honorable demi - god. Well, any demi god that had made a small impact against, or towards, the Olympians way of life.

    Heaving a sigh, I fingered through the dusty novels, all the way down to the T's. My eyes racked the shelves, Theseus, Thomas F., but as I rescanned the shelves, no Thalia. Something about the name made me feel as if she had to be here somewhere. 

    Frowning, I back tracked and walked towards the G section, possibly finding her by the last name. My eyes trailed slowly down the list of forgotten names, dust had collected thickly along the once beautifully carved bookshelves. 

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