Are You Stalking Me?

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Song For This Chapter: Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey (This was playing in my head for the middle/end of this chapter)

Ch. 16 - Are You Stalking Me?

    There was an awkward silence laced through the tight air as the van barreled down the busy streets. Percy's hand was tightly clasped with mine, making my stomach twist and turn with not only butterflies, but worries. 

    This is wrong. I shouldn't be with him like this. Zeus was no doubt watching, and his thoughts about my loyalty would no doubt be dwindling down the closer and closer we became with each other. There was so many things that Percy didn't know about me. So many things that I had never said, that I knew I would probably never be able to.

    Sighing, I leaned my head against the cool, glass window of the van - pulling my hand from Percy's grasp and giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm a little tired, I think I'll rest for a while..." I murmured, feeling a faint ache in my torso.

    I'd been cut rather deeply; the injuries would have killed any other member on this quest, but not me. I was a goddess. The thought made the left over aching only amplify, bringing back the bitter realization once more. 

    I, Olivia Smith, was a goddess of light - I was not supposed to be kissing mortals or fraternizing with them either. I was supposed to do my duty as a daughter of Artemis, of the gods, and find my mother. I was supposed to do my duty as a sister and help get Penelope released from the grasps of Zeus - despite the fact that Apollo told me it wasn't my Fate.

    "You okay, Olive?" Percy asked, not pushing too hard, but still curious about everything. It gave me a pain to the heart to see his worries displayed for me. He was too sweet, and I was too cold. Perhaps I shouldn't have kissed him.

    Idiot. I cursed myself, feeling tears prick my eyes, but not letting them show. Forcing a believable chuckle out of my mouth, I grinned at him. "Well - despite the fact that I was just holding my large intestines in my hands a mere half-hour ago - I'm perfectly fine." 

    Thalia belted out a curt laugh at this, sparing me a smile. I was happy to see that I was on good terms with her, even though she seemed to strongly dislike everything involved with the Hunters. "You put up a grand fight, Olive."

    "Thanks, Thalia." I nodded, leaving a small smirk on my face as my eyelids slipped closed, sleep starting to creep up on me. 

    In the darkness left behind my closed eyes, my hearing started to pick up a distant sound, the sound of helicopter blades swiftly slicing through the air, propelling the machine closer and closer to our van.

    At first, I thought nothing of it. My superhuman senses were just picking up on random things you would often find in a large city, however, when the sound continually grew louder and louder, I realized something was wrong.

    Propping myself up, I snapped open my eyes and looked at Zoë. She too was glaring out the window towards the sound, a scowl glued tightly onto her face. "Helicopter. You hear it too?" I addressed her and she quickly nodded.

    Percy furrowed his brow and leaned over me to get a glance up at the plane. "They know the van." He cursed and got out of his seat, walking up to where Zoë was expertly steering the automobile. "We need to ditch this thing - or they will keep on our tail."

    Zoë growled with disgust as he addressed her, but I stood up and lay a polite hand on her shoulder, making her freeze slightly. "I agree, Zoë - and we need to do it soon."

    "Maybe... The military will shoot it down?" Grover pipped up, receiving an encouraging nod from Bianca as he did.

    Percy scoffed with a little anger. "They probably think it's one of theirs." At those words, Zoë swerved into the fast lane, cutting off a small car in the process and getting a blaring horn due to it. Zoë muttered a curse about mortals under her breath, but kept herself in control. 

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