Westover Hall

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Hey guys, so this was going to be a lot longer, however - I ran out of time :( So, I just want to get this out for you guys so you don't lose your minds in anxiety ;) One of my fav comments from the last chapter was from iceprincess1888 : " Oh heavens please update soon!!! This story is, well i have no words to describe how fantastic it is! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! And totally ship Percy and Olive!!!! Hey, a song you might like: tessellate. The ellie Golding cover is my fav! Thanks for writing! " 

Thanks for all the awesome comments, guys ;) - Apparently, (almost) everyone ships some Nilope (Ni -low - Pea) and wanted Nico, even though... Well - yeah, but I guess I will plot some thing out, Nico wins :)

 Song for this Chapter - Mother Protect by Niki and the Dove

Ch. 5 - Westover Hal

    "Alright, now aim at your target.... Arch your back a little more - perfect. Release when you are ready." My mother's words filled my ears without sound, she was able to mentally talk inside my head once more. 

    Mustering all my archery skills together, I waited patiently for my target to nervously step from out of it's covering of foliage. Once it did, I soundlessly let a shallow gust of air out of my mouth, releasing the arrow.

    Watching the gleaming silver soar through the air, it struck my target through it's right eye - instant kill.

    "Very good, Olive. You are learning - soon you will be as good as Zoë, and be able to call your self a proper Hunter of Artemis." My mother grinned, pale yellow eyes gleaming brighter then the moon that was slowly beginning to creep it's way into the sky. 

    I pondered over her words as I sent a prayer to the gods, thanking them for this kill, and cleaning the carcass to prepare for dinner. How could I possibly tell Artemis that I didn't want this life, that I didn't want to be a Hunter, that I just wanted Penny and to live a normal, mortal life on Earth?

Percy's PoV:

    Thalia, Annabeth, and I all were squeezed into the back of my mother's car as she drove us up state and through Maine, towards a school called Westover Hall. 

    Grover had called us earlier in the week, he sounded slightly excited and worried at the same time. Apparently, he was looking for demi gods ever since he had earned his horns, and he had come across two trapped inside the school, so he needed our help.

    The drive was thick with an awkward silence, no one really wanting to talk, but my Mother wanting to gush about everything - even the weather, which was as normal as it has been all winter. After the weather, she'd moved onto embarrassing baby stories. "You wouldn't believe the look on the cashier's face when Percy took off hi-"

    "Okay, Mom, I think that's enough baby stories." I interrupted her, ears burning slightly. 

    Thalia gave my mom a grin and she chuckled. "Your mom is so awesome. You're lucky." She turned her head towards the window to peer out into the gloomy outside. 

    "There it is, guys." Annabeth nodded, a small frown playing on the corners of her mouth. "Westover Hall, that's where Grover sent the distress call."

    Frowning, I watched the castle come into view, it was huge and dark - definitely a bad combination. "Oh yeah! This is going to be fun." Thalia grinned eyes glued onto the depressing estate. "Let's get out here, if that's okay, Miss Jackson?"

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