Father / Daughter Time

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The picture on the right reminds me of Percy and Olivia - how about you?

You guys left me a question, that I feel you all should see the answer to: ArtemisThaliaKatniss - 'Wow your story about the daughter of Artemis has not only been carried on but you are adding Daughter of Apollo and Daughter of Ares. How will you manage to keep on writing all of them at the same time????' 

I have no freaking idea... I think you all need to know this(a few of you do, but now you all should know) : This is the last book about Olive's tales with Percy Jackson, I can't keep writing fan-fic, and I just want to get those other two out to kind of 'round up' the ending and beginning  to give you awesome readers a bigger understanding of the Smith Family. So, there it is - the dirty secret. But, I promise that everything will be finished neatly. 

~Wanted to make this long, but the chapter is only fluff - I felt that she needed some peace, the last few chapters have been rather sad ;(

Song for Chapter: Through The Dark - One Direction (This song is so cute.... *glares at Sarah -she is the one who forced me to start liking 1D*)

No, but seriously - even if you don't like 1D, listen to this song because it reminds me of Percy and Olive.

Ch. 11 - Father / Daughter Time

Olive's PoV:

    There was an uneasy calm with the grey approaching morning, it was almost as if everything was taking a moments pause - like the word had realized there was a goddess being held captive and it was mourning her loss. And I couldn't take the silence.

    Cold sweat pebbled my skin as I paced around my palace, freezing hardwood flooring doing nothing to comfort me. Artemis was being held captive and there was literally nothing I could do about it until Aphrodite convinced Hera about me. 

    To be perfectly honest, none of this made sense. Why would anyone kidnap Artemis? What would they gain from that, except for a ton of monsters roaming free. Her and her Hunters wouldn't be around to constantly slay the monstrous creatures that somehow escaped from Hades, reeking havoc on demi-gods.

    My Mother's face flashed in my mind for the hundredth time over the late hours. She had only been trying to protect me... all these years. Artemis sometimes would seem to be cruel and angry - but as I continually paced around my palace, I realized that wasn't the case. She was protective of me, she loved me, she cared so much for me that she had vouched my innocence to Zeus and allowed me a second chance at life. She was my Mother, and I needed to help her be set free. 

    There was a slow knock on my door that made me stop my excessive pacing. "Olive. Can I see you for a moment?" Apollo's voice called out, muffled behind the thick cherry wood door. 

    "Yeah, yeah.." I stuttered out, trying to compose my frazzled looking appearance and stalked to the door, throwing it open with such urgency that even I was surprised.

    Apollo frowned as he took in my disgruntled face. Slowly taking my face into his warm palms, I felt myself relax under his touch - he was the god of the Sun, and that would never be denied. He illuminated warmth to anything he did. "You should calm down."

    "You should take the situation more seriously." I snapped back, yanking my face away from his fingers with a frown. Crossing my arms over my chest, I begun my pacing once more, probably making deep paths into the floors.

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