I'm Percy Jackson

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It seems that I confused a lot of you, the book isn't over yet, but it will be soon - trust me, I'll tell you when it's over :)

Song For Chapter: Vanilla Twilight - Owl City (Just a cute song that makes me think of Percy without Olive)

Ch. 28: I'm Percy Jackson


    I didn't quite remember falling asleep, but I knew that I was, almost as soon as my tired eyes slipped open in this weird dream state. 

    I couldn't really see anything at first, it was sort of like a thick Mist, but one that seeped deep into my brain. Almost as if something extremely powerful was near, and, it was trying to obscure me from the truth. 

    As I continued to walk in the silence, dim yellow light began to filter into view. And, soon, I was making my way through a cobblestoned street, lined with Victorian lanterns that were giving off the light. To say I was confused was an understatement, but my feet kept traveling, as if I knew subconsciously were to go.

    The dripping stench of alcohol and sweat filled my nose and I cringed, glaring up at a grimy pub; the problem of the smell. The old, wooden sign swayed on one hinge, but the words were peeling and faded, it was hard to make out.

    Inching closer, I decided to check the place out. It was as if something was pulling me in. In the back of my mind, I figured if Olive was here with me she would tell me off for being so curious. She'd probably tell me that this was a bad idea, but knowing her she would let her own curiosity get the better of her, leading us both in.

    Passing under the sign, I made out the words, 'Tuesday's Pub', odd name. I had never seen this place in my life, nor did I believe I ever would in reality. 

    There was no one inside, and the place was surprisingly clean for stinking so much. However, as I walked around the polished wood stools and gleaming bar, I realized that it no longer smelled at all. In fact, the only scent I could detect was a small aroma of wood polisher and lemon. 

    "What are you doing here?" A light, airy voice rung out towards me. I craned my neck towards the right and watched as a girl with flaming orange hair rounded the corner, green eyes scouring mine with slight curiosity and anxiety, "Who are you?" She demanded, in her hand she held a gleaming dagger - most likely her only protection. 

    I glanced around the room, "I really don't know," I referred to her first question, "And, I'm Percy Jackson."

    Her eyes flickered around my face, as if she was trying to assess if I was telling the truth or not. The way her eyes glimmered, as if she knew something more than me, reminded me of Olivia. "Who are you?" I asked, motioning to get closer, but she took a step away, walking towards an open door.

    "I am none of your concern," she shrugged lightly, Greek styled dress splaying out as she walked. "You are but a dream any way."

    Furrowing my brow, I followed her, slightly picking up how realistic the feeling of my feet against the wooden floorboards seemed. "No, you are but a dream of mine.

    "Am I?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side, a small smile splaying across her light features, "Well, in that case, my name is Penelope. Penelope Smith."

    "You're Olive's sister." I couldn't feel surprised. She had a certain way about her, but still I felt nervous, as if this was a test of some sort, and I wasn't very good with tests.

    Penelope nodded, "Yes, and you are Olive's lover."

    I blushed a little, ducking my head and turning away. "N-Not really. It's not really like that -"

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