My Father Hits On Girls

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Dedicated to Pointegirl for the cover on the side :)

Most touching comment on the last chapter was from: thegrayarea - "Cheer up! We, your fans, are here for you :)"  Hun, thank you so much - that makes me smile every time I see it and cheers me up! This comment and other like it are what keep me writing and going on!

Song for this chapter: Youth - Daughter (Love this song for Olive and Percy - so check it out, yeah?)

Ch. 8 - My Father Hits On Girls

     "You will not be going." Artemis's voice echoed in my head, making me want to tear my hair out. How could she do this to me? Sending me back up the mountain to live in that secluded mansion by the lake? Even though I was up in Mount Olympus, it was still a cage. Beautiful, but a cage built by Zeus none the less.

    The fire crackled loudly, but that wasn't what shook me from my painful thoughts. A warm hand rested on my shoulder and I jumped a little - heart pacing into attack mode. "Hey, Olive."

    I blew out a small gust of air in relief, it was only Percy - his green eyes scouring mine with a frown as he carefully retracted his hand from my shoulder cautiously. "You alright?"

    "Yeah, yeah - great." I faked it, spreading a grin onto my face and taking him in with my eyes. He had changed a lot, but then again, we all had. Time changes everyone. 

    Percy smiled a little, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I made this for you..." He looked down at his shoes with nervous fidgeting and pulled the bead he'd shown me earlier out of his pocket with a small smile on his lips. "I hollowed out the middle and put it on a chord - so when we go back to camp, you can keep collecting them." He explained while pulling it through a thick, hide chord and walking behind me to help me put it on.

    Biting my lip, I gathered up my hair and lifted it so he could tie the strings. I was steadily adding more and more necklaces to my collection. His fingers brushed my skin as he did, but once the necklace was tied, he kept his fingers around one of the chains. "Percy?" I asked, sensing his change in emotion - he seemed slightly hurt.  

    Percy cleared his throat and tugged on one of the silver chains. "You still wear his necklace." He stated, tugging on the chain holding the little, pink, lotus flower charm that had protected me in the Lotus Hotel.

    Sighing, I dropped my curtain of black hair and stepped away from him, turning so I could look him in the eyes. "Yes, it doesn't mean anything - it is a charm, it protects me." I stressed, he nodded a little - but I could tell he was slightly peeved by what I'd said.

    "Yeah - but it's from Luke. He's the reason -" Percy stopped and looked away swiftly, not wanting to meet my eyes. He didn't have to, I knew what he was about to say. He's the reason you are different now.

    "He was a different person then." I retorted, but inside I knew that was a lie. Luke had always been the same underneath everything - he'd been plotting against the Olympians since I'd met him, I'd never truly known the real Luke - not until his dagger pierced me through my chest.

    Percy scoffed at my bluff and shook his head. "I just don't get it - you are an Olympian now, but you are still protecting him? Just like Annabeth." 

    "I'm not protecting him, Jackson - this necklace doesn't mean anything to me - it's just handy!" I hissed at him, blood slightly boiling. His words were making me furious - but I had no idea why. Percy glared at me, matching my anger. 

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