Who Do You Think You Are?

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Thank you all for the awesome comments on the last chappie - it was so hard to pick a favorite, so I went with the first one & Last one: Murpheye - "Dude's don't tell her to update. Threaten her. MWUHAHAHAHAAA jk Can't wait to see the update, haha :3" You always make me laugh out loud - seriously, you are awesome!

The other one is from: percabeth2021 "Oh my god I LOVE this story. I've been waiting for the updates and right when they come out for this story, I read them right away. I must know more!!! Please your killing me here. Update faster!!! Very angry girl who wants to see Olivia again! BTW your the best author on Wattpad I've seen yet! Keep up the amazing work!

Awe - you really think so?! That's so nice, sorry abut the slow schedule - I just have so much less time on my hands, but I always promise to update at least once a week, I know that's a long time - but that's how busy I am! D:

Song for this Chapter: Follow Me - Uncle Kracker (it really describes the relationship between Percy and Olivia currently)

Ch. 6 - Who Do You Think You Are?

    The sound of the shout proclaiming Zeus's name had startled everyone. The voice was as a challenge, and we all knew - looking at one another - a battle of sorts had begun.

    Zoë looked at Artemis for command then turned back to the others valiantly. "Continue as planned! Protect the demi gods." Nodding the dozen hunters each spotted a tree for cover and assessed the battle taking place on the cliff.

    Quickly, Zoë pulled a horn from the satchel around her shoulder, the horn looked pale white as if made from an animal bone or a horn from one. Taking a deep draw of air, she pressed the horn to her lips and let out one silencing blow - causing the Manticore to freeze and glare at the trees in our direction.

    Artemis pulled a silver arrow from her gleaming quiver, giving the Manticore a quick assessment with her eyes before turning to me with eyes wide. "Olivia, your hood - put it on." The determination behind her eyes made me nod and quickly pull the thick wool material over my head, hiding my face from view. 

    The last thing we wanted was for Percy and Annabeth to become distracted by seeing me alive. It would be fatal and the Manitcore would no doubt take advantage of their surprise. 

    The sound of helicopter blades chopping in the air was not far off, but the nervous voice of the Manticore still found it's way into my ears. "No... It cannot be -" The Manticore began, but before her could finish his sentence, Artemis released the first silver arrow, sinking it deep into the beast's shoulder.

    In slight awe, I watched as a tail appeared from behind the beast, a tail of a scorpion - like the drawing Artemis had shown me depicted. "Curse you!" He wailed with an angry roar, sending a flurry of spikes towards our caravan - a sudden fight or flight urgency taken root inside me as I watched the menacing attack volley towards the trees. 

    However, before they even reached the trees, the Hunters all sent a wave of silver gleaming arrows out against the attack, some slicing the spikes into two pieces, stopping the attack before it could even hit any one. 

    Smirking a little, I took a small breath and strung an silver arrow, aiming it at the Manticore with my Sisters. Releasing my arrow with cautious fingers, I tried to remember everything that Artemis had taught me about the proper use of a bow and arrow. I grinned as I watched the gleaming silver sink deep into the Manitcore's shoulder, next to my Mother's warning shot. 

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