Weight Of The Sky

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Song For This Chapter: Born To Die - Lana Del Rey

Ch. 26: Weight Of The World  

   Just keep moving, Olive - just keep moving. 

    Those were the only thoughts that accumulated in my brain as we trekked up the ruins of the mountain, but it was hard work. My stomach felt as if I had swallowed a fist-full of razors and the sensation kept growing, tearing my insides apart. 

    What had initially started as a dull, throbbing pain was now so sharp that my breathing came fast and ragged, but I managed to keep it under control, hiding the pain from Percy and Thalia as we hiked. 

    My breathing hitched and I cursed, clutching my stomach as I caught Percy's attention, "You're hurt," he assumed, halting in his walk and approaching me, reaching out as if to try and heal me in some way.

    "No I'm not," I hissed out, an obvious lie.

    Percy rose a brow, "Is it the fruit? Do you know what is supposed happen when you eat it?" His eyes turned soft as they met my own, empty ones. 

    No, I chanted in my head, "Of course, Waterboy," I chuckled, keeping the group moving as we reached the summit, "I'm not dumb." 

    Thalia spared me a small side glance that showed her distrust in my statement, only she was able to understand how much I was willing to risk for the people we loved. She and I were alike in that way. It was annoying. 

    Percy's sea eyes darted between the exchange happening from Thalia and I, and, he furrowed his brow, a new sense of unsettled anxiety taking root in all of us as we reached the summit.

    The sky was a swirling vortex of gray hues and sickening overcast that threatened to swallow us whole. I knew what awaited us here, the General. A few yards away, I looked upon a sight that made my heart swell and drop down into my blazing stomach - joining the rippling pain. Artemis

    She was ragged and in a weathered, silvery dress that seemed to shine brighter the more she struggled under the weight. She was struggling under the sky, carrying the crushing weight of the sky in her arms, sweat pouring down every inch of her body. Her legs were locked in celestial chains, tethering her down to the ground beneath her feet.

    "Mother!" I cried out, feeling my lips tremble as I watched her struggle, it was the first time I had ever felt so emotionally attached to Artemis. Sure, we never had the closest relationship, but deep inside me I would always love her. 

    Artemis glared up at us, growling, "Stop! This is a trap - you must leave! Now!" Her voice was tight, strained even. Zoë began to cry, taking a step forward despite my Mother's protests - tugging on the chains to attempt to take the weight of the world. 

    "How.... Touching," A thick, booming voice snickered behind us as we turned to glare up at the towering General. At his side, Luke was holding the point of his sword against Annabeth's throat. Annabeth had her hands cuffed behind her back.

    Annabeth's grey eyes flickered towards me, taking me in with a shocked look and blinking eyes, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "O-Olive?!" She blurted out, sending a sharp glare towards Percy, "What are you guys doing here, ru-"

    "Shut up," Luke sighed and grabbed a rag and quickly gagged Annabeth causing her to murmur some incoherent curses towards him. I noted how sick he seemed, weak and frail. 

    "Luke," I tried to keep my voice steady as my vision began to shift around - my peripheral vision wavering slightly, "Let Anna go."

    Luke ignored me, sending Thalia a tight smile, "It's good to see you again, Thalia." She merely spat in his direction, not even allowing him the time of day.

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