The diAngelo's

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Hey guys, terribly sorry for the late update - a lot happened (none being good things) So, I was side tracked and this was pushed off very far. So I just want to say: Sorry, and I hope this doesn't disappoint you. :) 

One of my favorite comments on the last chapter was from: xBeautifulSunset - '...Artemis is really starting to test my nerves. Hasn't she ever heard the saying: "Don't break up Star-crossed lovers?" [Well, actually, she probably hasn't considered I just made it up. Guilty as charged.] Olive's life is complicated, and it doesn't help that shes separated from the one she loves! [Percy, boy ;] Why must life be so cruel! [Even though, technically, none of this is real. So that means that life in the book is unfair; and the book is fiction.] Haha, I don't know why but that made me laugh a lot - and it's true, so thank you for that refreshing commentary! x) 

Song for this Chapter: Ribs - Lorde

Ch. 7 - The diAngelo's

    "Who are you people?" The girl frown, adjusting the cap on her head and giving each of us a small look. Frowning, I gave a small look at my Mother as she turned her gaze on to the girl, soft smile spreading on her face.

    "More importantly, child, who are you?" Artemis questioned, eyes flickering with subtle delight and mystery. "Who is your parent?"

    The girl frowned and turned towards her silent brother who was grinning at the scene - awestruck with the knowledge that he was witnessing real, live gods. "Well... I am Bianca diAngelo - and this is my brother... Nico - we don't really have any parents - actually we only have a trust fund that pays for our tuition here..." She looked in the direction of the school with a small sigh, rubbing her forehead. "Or... did."

    Bianca's dark eyes flickered between us - realizing that everyone wasn't fully trusting her. "It's true - I'm telling you the truth..."

    "Not quite, thou are children of the Olympians. It's in your blood." Zoë nodded, standing tall while shouldering her bow. "One of thy parents, a mortal. The other, an Olympian."

    "Like.... athlete, right?" Bianca scoffed, giving Zoë a weary glance partly because of the crazy words spewing from her mouth, and partly for the old-fashioned way Zoë spoke.

    "No." I piped up, straightening out my silver parka and giving her a weary smile, remembering how disbelieving I was when Cherrie had first told me these words. "One of your parents was a god."

    "Awesome!" Nico cheered, olive toned face beaming happily. Bianca quickly scolded him. "No, not awesome - Nico."

    Nico ignored this, and turned towards us - face holding all the curiosity of the world. "Does Zeus really have all those lightning bolts that cause six hundred damage? Does he get extra movement points for-" Frowning, Bianca put her hand out to silence the boy.

    "Nico, shut up!" She growled, running her hands over her face tiredly. "There are no gods - that was only in your stupid Mythomagic game - and this is not a game."

    Thalia scratched the back of her neck and stepped forward with a small apologetic look on her face. "Look, Bianca - I know this is hard to believe. It was hard for me, hard for any of us, to believe when we first were told. But the gods do exist and some times they have children with mortals... making people like us... Demigods.... and sometimes - our lives are dangerous."

    Bianca furrowed her brows and looked towards her mud stained shoes. "Like... like the girl who fell?"

    While I bit my lip, Thalia winced, Percy tightened his fist, and even Artemis frowned in slight pain. "Yes, like the one who fell." I replied, rubbing my arm.

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