Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V.

Your eyes opened to sunlight pouring through the window above your bed.  You closed your eyes, let out a yawn and snuggled more into your blankets. Wait…blankets? You snapped your eyes open and sat up, throwing your blankets off. You were in your apartment, in your bed, but you couldn’t remember getting there. You rubbed your head and felt the headband Sakura had put on you still there, so you pulled it out of your hair. You stood up to put the headband back in the bathroom and glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 10:30am. You looked down at yourself while walking and saw that you were still in the outfit you’d worn last night. You could remember Kiba giving you a piggy-back ride, so he must’ve brought you into the apartment and put you in bed. You looked around and saw your kunai pouch on your desk next to a piece of paper. You blushed, remembering how high up on your thigh you’d attached it. You picked up the paper and read it.

*Y/n, you fell asleep on the walk home, so I just dropped you off. I’ll swing by later. ~Kiba*

You smiled and set the note back down. You went over to the closet and grabbed some new clothes and decided to have a shower.

You took a long shower, and about half an hour later you stepped out and got dressed. You opened the bathroom door and started braiding your hair. You stopped when a smell hit your nose. It smelt like…food? The leaned further out the door and took a deep sniff, yup definitely food. And you could hear sounds coming from your kitchen. You tip-toed to the edge of the stairs and peeked down. You saw Akumaru stretched out of your couch and you smiled, relaxing. You quickly finished braiding your hair, then went and grabbed a toque (knitted cap) and decided to toy with Kiba a bit. You snuck down the steps and signalled Akumaru to stay quiet. You crept up behind Kiba, who was buttering some toast, and quickly pulled the toque onto his head and down over his eyes. “What the-?!” he staggered slightly from your action, and you grabbed his shoulders to steady him. “It’s not nice to sneak into a girls home while she’s showering Kiba~” you murmured into his ear lowly, “You’re lucky Akumaru gave you away or my attack wouldn’t have been so gentle.” You reached your hand up and slid a finger across his throat, trying your best to be intimidating. Everything was silent for a few moments while the two of you held that position. “But….I was making breakfast. Doesn’t that make up for it a bit?” he asked in an innocent, yet nervous tone. You giggled and pulled back, taking the toque off his head, “I suppose so.” He turned and smiled at you.

“How’d you sleep?” he asked while loading up two plates with pancakes, sausages and toast. “Like a log. Thanks for bringing me home last night. Oh and thank you for breakfast!” He smiled and his cheeks tinted pink, “No problem. I figured I’d come visit before I head out for a new mission. I leave at noon and I’ll be gone for a few days.” Your good mood vanished and you slumped. Kiba’s cheeks tinted even pinker as he looked at your cute appearance. He reached forward and patted you head, “You look like a sad little puppy. Cheer up. I won’t be gone that long” you nodded, but didn’t cheer up. Kiba sighed and finished his food. He then reached out and picked up your fork and grabbed your chin and shovelled some pancake into your mouth. Your face turned tomato red and you gave him the biggest wtf look you could muster with your cheeks puffed out. He burst out laughing, “That’s much better!” You swallowed the mouthful, “What?!” he laughed again and patted your head again, “I don’t like you being all depressed, so I decided to cheer you up!”  You looked down and shoved more food into your mouth, continuing to blush, “Bully” you muttered and he chuckled.

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