Chapter 25. Final Chapter.

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You made your way down the street, the weight of the scroll in your pocket. You were curious what was written in it, but based on what Tsunade had hinted, you were going to hold off on reading it.  You turned onto the street where your apartment was and you saw the lights on in your apartment. You smiled. It felt right to have Kiba already at your home, waiting for you. It was a feeling you could happily get used to. You climbed the steps and opened the door and the smell of cooking food hit you.

Akumaru and Gus were cuddled up on the couch napping and Kiba was over in the kitchen with your large electric frying pan out. The food smelt familiar. “Is that chow mien I smell?” Kiba jumped slightly at your voice, but turned and smiled, “Yeah, pork chow mien. Figured…it was fitting.” You smiled and set your bag down. “I seriously think you spoil me sometimes. Cooking dinner for me in my apartment.” He laughed slightly, “Well you DID save us during the mission, so a little dinner is the least I can do right?” You walked over to him to see if you could help and you noticed his hair was damp, “Did you have a shower?” Kiba tensed slightly and a blush crossed his face, “Yeah…” You blushed slightly as well but you chuckled, “That’s fine, I was actually thinking that I should have a shower before dinner. Is there time?” His blush darkened, “Yeah, I only just started cooking, so you’ve got about twenty minutes.” You headed upstairs and picked out some clean clothes before heading into the bathroom.

A few minutes later you came back down the stairs now dressed in a pair of white short-shorts, a pale lilac tee-shirt, a long purple and blue hoodie, and some purple thigh-high socks. You had pulled your hair into a loose messy bun. Kiba turned and smiled at you again, “Just in time, it’s just about ready.” You grabbed some stuff to set the table. After you were both seated you smiled at the food in front of you, “This looks great Kiba!” You took a bite and hummed in appreciation. The two of you ate a chatted casually. Once the meal was finished you grabbed the dishes and went over to the sink. Kiba had gone silent while you washed the dishes. You were just putting the last dish onto the drying rack when Kiba called out your name. You turned to face him and saw that he was still seated at the table, fidgeting slightly and his cheeks tinted red. You dried your hands and walked back over to the table. Kiba pulled you to sit beside him rather across from him. “Y/n…” his voice was quiet. He reaches up and touches your cheek lightly. You felt your cheeks heat up with a blush and you held perfectly still. His thumb rubbed gently across your skin until it rubbed under you lower lip and stayed there. “Y/n, I know you remember what happened at the hot-spring.” You nodded since your voice didn’t seem to be working for you. “You remember how I said that I was used to the feeling that your jutsu caused?” You swallowed slightly and nodded again. He shifted slightly closer to you, “Well, it’s true. I always feel…different when I’m around you. I feel drawn to you, like the thought of being anywhere other than by your side is wrong. And when I’m not near you,” his hand touched his chest over his heart, “It aches.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. “I feel like I’m not being truly myself when I’m not around you, like I’m missing a part of myself. But when I get to see you and touch you, I feel stronger, like I’m unstoppable.” He opened his eyes and locked his gaze with yours, “I guess what I’m saying is, I love you y/n.” He remained silent as he waited for your reaction. Your voice refused to work for you, so you did the only thing you could think to do to give him your answer.

You grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him forward hard, crashing your lips against his. You could tell he was surprised by the way his body tensed for a moment, but he quickly got over his surprise and he kissed back, one of his arms snaking around your waist to pull you closer and his other hand digging into your hair, pulling it loose. You slid your hands around his shoulder and pressed your body to his. He slid his tongue along your lower lip, asking for entrance. You quickly pulled his tongue into your mouth and sucked on it. He let out a low growl of approval and his hands pressed you even more firmly against him. You allowed his tongue to roam around your mouth until he coaxed your tongue into wrestling with his. You let out a soft moan. He pulled away from your lips, gasping for breath and he nuzzled his face into your neck, peppering your skin with light kisses for a few moments before he stopped and simply held you tight. You both took some time to catch your breath and you gently brushed your fingers through his hair, “In case it wasn’t clear, I love you too Kiba.” He chuckled slightly against your neck and his breath tickled your skin. His fingers tugged at your hair gently and you sighed contentedly. He shifted his head to the other side of your neck and pressed his lips to your skin again. You tensed slightly as you realized just how close he was to your tattoo, but you didn’t try to stop him from what he was about to do. You could feel his breath flow over your tattoo and you shivered in anticipation and you closed your eyes. You could feel Kiba hesitate, so you ran your hand down his back to let him know that he had your permission.

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