Chapter 1

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Your body shivered slightly from the cold that your mind could no longer process. Your legs ached as you slowly made your way out of the forest towards the gate of the village. You breathed a sigh of relief and held the bundle in your arms closer to your body. “Don’t worry little one, we’ve found a place where we can get you some help.” You murmured to the small bundle.

The sun was setting low as you finally got onto the streets. There were very few people out. You saw a middle aged man closing the door to his business. “Excuse me,” you called out to him. He turned to look at you and he stepped back taking in your grubby appearance before saying “I’m sorry girlie, we’re closed for the night so if-“ you cut him off stating “I need medical help.” He nodded and turned, pointing down the road. “You see that large building straight up ahead? They’ll be able to help you there.” You bowed slightly starting to walk that way. “Thank you!” you called over your shoulder to the man.

You started walking as fast as your injured body would allow knowing that you were so close. You turned a corner and ran straight into something soft. Normally an impact like that wouldn’t have affected you, but with your body being as weak as it was, you staggered back before landing on your knees, managing to keep your hands steady on the bundle in your arms.

You were looking at the bundle in your arms making sure it was ok when you heard a male voice speak to you, “Hey, sorry ‘bout that. We weren’t lookin where we were going.” You looked up to see a man who looked a little older than you with brown hair, brown eyes and strange red marks on his cheeks. He was standing next to a monstrously large brown and white dog.  You slowly stood up on your shaky legs, “No it was my fault, besides, no extra harm done. “ you stated as you started to try to walk around them. The man placed a hand on your upper arm stopping you. “Hey I haven’t seen you around these parts before, I’d remember a face like that.” He smiled and purred in what you assumed was his ‘seductive’ voice. You shook his hand off before aggressively saying “I don’t have time for you and your dog right now BOY” once again trying to walk away. He once again caught your arm, this time causing your arm to slip slightly letting a corner of the blanket fall. You felt the bundle move slightly in response to this and you felt anger rise up in you. “No need to be rude, I was just being friendly!” the man said, soundly slightly agitated. “I would be completely fine with you being friendly if a life wasn’t in danger!” you spat in his face. With this statement the man suddenly looked much more serious, “Whose life?”  You looked down pointedly to the bundle in your arms. The man came in front of you and lifted a bit more of the blanket so that he could see what you had in your arms. “is that-?” “A cat? Yes. A very badly injured cat too, so if you’ll excuse me I need to get him to medical attention.” You were about to start walking again, when the man asked you “Where are you going?” You started walking while saying “I was told I could get help at that building up ahead.” The man grabbed your shoulder and started tugging you down a side road. “Wait! Where are you taking me?! I need to get to help as fast as possible!”

He continued walking, not even looking at you “I’m taking you to get help. The people in that building can heal HUMANS, not animals. I’m taking you back to my families place, we own the veterinary clinic in town.”  You immediately stopped resisting him pulling you along, but you stumbled at his fast pace. “Hurry up!” he barked at you. You tried to pick up your pace, but your legs just couldn’t move fast enough. He turned to say something again, but he finally looked down at your legs along with rest of your body and realized that you were in rough shape. He muttered something under his breath then bent and picked you up bridal style before he started running.

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