Chapter 13 (Real 13)

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(A.N. I realized that I put ch12 as ch13. sorry about that. This is the real ch13. Cheers!)

You laid there for a moment, trying to regain your breath. You could hear noise coming from the crowd. It sounded like you had put on a good show and had impressed most of them. You didn’t want to look weak at this moment so you forced yourself into a sitting position, ignoring how your body screamed in protest and forcing the black spots from your vision. You looked over and saw many people wearing jounin vests congratulating Tsunade, while most of the rest of the crowd had started to disperse and head back to their duties throughout the village. Sakura and Hana were coming towards you, Sasuke following behind them.  You gave the brightest smile you could muster, which based on the reactions from them, it must’ve looked more like a grimace. “Soooo…how’d I do? I know I didn’t pass, but how’d I do despite that?” Sakura trilled on about how amazing you were and Hana told you that she was impressed and that she’d never had any idea that a girl as sweet and innocent as you could be capable of what you did.  Sasuke was silent for a while, letting the two girls finish making you feel better. Once they fell silent he finally spoke up, “You did some pretty careless mistakes. You could’ve won if you knew how to control the balance of your chakra better. You wasted so much energy by pulling so many people into that genjutsu.” Hana turned on him, “Well for her only ever having received very basic training and only to have ever been classified as a genin she did pretty awesome! I mean, she nearly got it!” You reached up and tugged at Hana’s shirt and she turned to look at you, “Hana it’s ok. How am I supposed to learn and get stronger unless I’m told how to improve?” You glanced at Sasuke and he gave you a smile that probably would’ve melted the hearts on half the girls in the village, but you felt nothing and simply gave him a smile for his advice, “So just how many people did I suck in? My attention was on Tsunade so I didn’t get a chance to look.”  The three of them admitted to having been pulled in and then Sakura started looking at the people still left in the field, she pointed to people as she talked, “You pulled in most of those jounin by Lady Tsunade, you also pulled in those people over there, and you pulled Naruto in…speaking of, where the heck is Naruto? I thought he’d be over here talking with you too.”

 You looked at the faces of several of the people you had pulled in. You saw how some of the people were pale, some were even shaking slightly, and you felt bad for not having better control over that jutsu. It was one of the hidden jutsu of Field Village, and apparently only the Kusanokage had ever been able to master it enough so that only the target would be affected. It appeared differently for every person, depending on how strong the ‘demons’ in their hearts were. The more suffering a person went through in life, the worse the jutsu appeared for them. In field Village you’d been trained by the Kusanokage, and she had agreed to teach it to you. She’d used it on you in training and you remembered the monsters that had filled your vision. You had passed out from fear when she first used it on you, and you hadn’t suffered much in your life compared to others. You couldn’t even imagine how horrible the jutsu must be for people who had suffered lots, who had things that haunted them, and who were completely unprepared for the jutsu. Even the three talking to you looked pale. Sasuke actually looked like he had been more affected than the other two. That probably explained why he wasn’t acting like he usually does around you.

“He’s probably a bit shaken and has probably gone somewhere to calm down, I have a feeling it affected him worse than anyone” Sasuke said to Sakura (regarding her questioning Naruto’s absence). You looked down at the ground and shifted into a kneeling position. “I’ll have to apologise to him properly later, along with everyone else I pulled into the jutsu. I know how unpleasant it is.” You placed your hands on the ground in front of you and bowed to your friends, “I’m terribly sorry for pulling you all in. I will work hard to learn to be able to control that jutsu, so that it only affects those that I intend for it to affect.” The three smiled and accepted your apology. “Hana, would you mind helping me up so I can go apologise to some of the others?” Hana nodded and helped you up and supported you as you made your way around to the people that Sakura had said you’d pulled in. You spent a few minutes moving around, bowing and apologising. You even apologised to Tsunade and the jounins. Naruto was nowhere to be seen so you made note to yourself to track him down and apologise properly after Tsunades training with you this afternoon.

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