Chapter 16

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Your POV

About a week had passed since you had told Sakura what had happened. Since then, Kiba had stopped trying to see you or speak to you. You figured he must’ve given up on you and hated you now, which sucked cause Sakura had told you what had actually happened that night. You wanted to make up with Kiba, and get back to how things had been, with him being your friend, but you were too embarrassed by your behaviour to go and talk to him. You had tried a couple times, but every time he looked at you, he looked so hurt and you would lose your courage, and he’d eventually walk away with no words being exchanged.

Sakura had also been dragging you into meeting guys lately. Everywhere you went with her, she’d always run into a guy that ‘you simply HAD to meet’. She must be tired of seeing you moping around and must be trying to help you get over your feelings for Kiba. Sasuke’s interest in you had also gone up ever since the troubles between you and Kiba started. Between him and Sakura, you were never alone. You tried your best to get rid of Sasuke, cause you had realized that Sakura had feelings for him and you knew it must be painful for her to see him hitting on you. She always brushed it off and said that she’d known all along that he didn’t return her feelings, but that didn’t stop you from feeling bad every time he did something to try to win you over.

Tsunade had also decided that you were done your training as a medical ninja. You’d worked a few times in the hospital, but she had told you that you were going to be mostly working in the field on missions. You’re combat skills had improved too much, so she couldn’t justify keeping you locked up in the village. Your ranking had gone up over the past month to that of jounin, so you would be sent on the more dangerous missions. You were looking forward to going on missions, maybe getting out of the village would help to distract your mind from your misery at the mess you’d caused with Kiba. Your first big mission was scheduled for three days after your birthday. You and a team would be trying to locate the location of the Akatsuki base and gather information. The rest of the team wasn’t set yet so you didn’t know who you’d be working with, but Tsunade said she’d let you know as soon as things were decided.

The day before your birthday Sakura had come to you while you were making lunch and said that she, and a bunch of ‘the girls’ were going to take you out dancing on your birthday. This put the first real smile on your face in a month. You loved dancing. “Who in all is gunna be there?” you asked eagerly. Sakura had put her hand to her chin as she recalled who in all she had invited, “Hmmm well I invited Ino, Ten Ten, Hinata, Hana and Sai.” (Sorry, but I love making Sai be considered one of ‘the girls’. His lack of tact and his penis jokes just make me feel like he’d get along better with girls than he would with guys because the girls would find him funny.) You nodded. You’d gotten quite close with all of those people. You were especially close with Sai. He was so offensive without meaning to that you just found him hilarious to be around, plus you found his almost brutal honesty to be refreshing. “But Naruto overheard me making the plans and he said he’d invite some people too, but I don’t know who he’s inviting” Sakura explained. You set two plates on the table, one for her, and smiled again, “I’m really looking forward to it!” Sakura smiled back, then leaned forward eagerly, “What are you planning on wearing?” she asked. You took a few bites of your food while you considered your clothing options. You looked at her and saw her fidgeting, and you realized what she was hoping your answer would be. You blushed, “Well…maybe I’ll try wearing the dress you got for me?” She squealed happily and clapped her hands. “Oooh I can’t wait to see you in it again! I’ll come over early and help you get ready!” You sighed, you’d gotten used to Sakura’s love of dressing you up, and you’d eventually given up and would just let her do it. You actually didn’t mind it so long as she stuck to your fashion and didn’t go overboard.

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