Chapter 17

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(A.N. I'm super sorry for the delay, had a minor case of writers block, but as you can all see it's kinda fixed. Two parts in one day! Please enjoy!)

Your POV

You woke up to Gus meowing loudly, pawing at the window above your bed. “Gus, what are you doing? Get back here,” you reached up at pulled him back to snuggle more, but he struggled out of your grip and he went back to the window. You pushed yourself up and brushed your hair out of your face. You moved to look out the window, but all you could see that would’ve gotten his attention was a couple birds on the next building. You giggled and patted his head, “Silly boy.”

You climbed out of bed and stretched. You were in a really good mood, knowing that you were going to be talking to Kiba today made you happy and nervous at the same time. You went over to your closet and picked out a pair of black shorts, a black tube top, and a forest green one shoulder top that came down just past your butt and had one long sleeve. You went and got changed into these clothes. You also tied a tan braided belt around the top of your hips and put on some brown leg warmers and some black ninja sandals. You then went downstairs and made yourself some breakfast.

After breakfast you headed off to your shift at the hospital. On your way there you ran into lots of people who would wish you happy birthday and tell you that they’d see you later that night. It was starting to look like it’d be like your welcoming party all over again. But it didn’t matter if half the village was there, so long as Kiba was there.

Your shift ended at 5 and your headed home to make yourself a late lunch, have a bath and wait for Sakura to come over. You couldn’t sit still, and you started pacing back and forth, then you stopped and looked at Gus. You got an idea and figured that since you had some time to kill you’d try it out, “Gus?” He looked at you and meowed, “Would you mind if I practiced for my talk with Kiba on you?” Gus purred and rubbed against your leg. “I’ll take that as a go ahead.”

You went over what you wanted to say and how you wanted to say it several times, Gus patiently listening the entire time. You were about to do another run through of it when there was a knock at the door. You walked over to the door and pulled it open while talking. “Hey Sakura…oh! I wasn’t expecting all of you to come over” you stepped aside as Sakura, Ino, Ten Ten, Hinata and Sai walked in. “Tonight’s important, and we simply didn’t trust Sakura to do you justice in getting you ready” Sai said, earning him a glare from Sakura. You laughed at this, this was exactly why you enjoyed Sai’s company, it was always entertaining. “Are any of you hungry? I can make a quick supper before I start getting ready.” They all looked at you like you’d grown a second head, “Y/n it’s your birthday. We’re obviously going to take you out for food” Ten Ten said while rolling her eyes. Ino looked at one of you clocks, “Speaking of going out to eat, we’d better hurry or we’ll be late for our reservation.”

The next few minutes went by in a blur, with everyone doing different tasks for getting you ready. Hinata and Ten Ten worked on your hair, Sai did your makeup, and Ino and Sakura got you into your outfit. Once you were ready they rushed you out the door, with Gus on your shoulder. You couldn’t help but notice that Hana hadn’t come and it put a bit of a damper on your mood. She had been quite distant ever since Kiba started keeping his distance. (A.N. Gus always comes with you everywhere you go, and he always gets out of harm’s way when you do anything, such as battle, so even if I forget to write that he’s there, he’s there.)

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