Chapter 5

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Kiba’s POV

I walked out the doors into the night air. Akumaru stood up and stretched seeing me walk towards him. I gave him a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of my head, “Sorry buddy, guess I lost track of time.” Akumaru shook then licked my cheek, letting me know it was ok. We started walking back to the house. “We’re gunna have a busy day tomorrow, we’re gunna show y/n around a bit and help her get settled in her new place.” Akumaru barked happily. I chuckled and patted him on the back. I smiled and hummed to myself thinking about where in all I was gunna take y/n tomorrow.

 Akumaru and I walked into our place. I walked into the treatment room to check on y/n’s cat. Nee-san was sitting on a chair, stroking the cats back has eat ate some of the chicken he’d been given.  Nee-san looked over at me and smiled, “Look at this little guy. He’s healing so fast. Already eating solid food and already able to bare weight on his leg.” I walked over a pet the cats head. He was ok, for a cat. He acted more like a dog than a cat, so I was pretty fond of him. “Well he’ll have an apartment to run around in once you give him the ok.” Nee-san looked at me, “Y/n is getting herself an apartment?” “She already has one apparently. Tsunade set it up for her. Tsunade is gunna train her to be a medical nin and is gunna give her a job, so I think y/n, and this little guy, are gunna be around for a while.” My sister gave me a smirk and I knew what she was thinking. “She’s just a girl, Nee-san. We’re just gunna be friends.” I stated rolling my eyes at her. I know I have a tendency to flirt lots, but I’m not actually a horndog, and she knows it. That doesn’t stop her from teasing me whenever I met a new girl. “Whatever you say bro” she said while picking Gus up and putting him back on his healing bed. I shook my head and walked out of the room. I walked upstairs to my room and flopped down on my bed and stared at my cealing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find y/n pretty. Even with her looking as underfed and ill as she has been, I could see the beauty. She wasn’t pretty like Ino or Sakura, they tried too hard, but she also wasn’t pretty like Hinata. Her self-confidence and her natural beauty certainly was something else. But just cause I found her attractive, and got along with her really well, didn’t mean that I was gunna go and try to start a relationship with her. I knew nothing about her past, for all I knew, she could have a boyfriend back in her old village or she could be into chicks or not have any interest in me as anything other than a friend. There are countless reason that I shouldn’t pursue her… I smirked and closed my eyes. At least not right away. With that thought I let myself fall asleep.

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