Chapter 2

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The woman that had taken Gus to the back looked at your concerned face and sighed tiredly, “He’ll be fine. Some food, water and time to heal and he’ll make a full recovery.” You grasped her hands, “Even his leg?” She gently pulled one of her hands away then patted your shoulder while saying “Even his leg. You bandaged him well, enough pressure to keep the bleeding controlled, but not too much to cut off circulation to his entire leg” with this she finally looked at you bandage covered body, “Good lord what happened to you?!” You looked down at your arms again. “I got injured trying to help Gus.” She nodded saying “I saw the initial injuries, but….the bandages are a bit…much aren’t they?” At this Akumaru snorted again, and Kiba crossed his arms while huffing “Well excuuuse me for trying to help!” and he stuck his tongue out at his sister. She shook her head and laughed lightly. She had a nice laugh too. “A great help as always Kiba. Now take her to get properly treated.” Kiba nodded and came forward to pick you up and take you to the hospital. Akumaru opened the door for Kiba and as he was about to step out his sister called out “Be sure to take the back way, the poor girl’s been through enough without having to die of embarrassment.” Kiba tensed and started walking, all while muttering something under his breath that sounded an awful lot like “stupid sister….know where you sleep.” You heard Akumaru shut the door behind you and run to catch up and walk beside you.

It was silent for a while, Kiba seemed to be doing as his sister suggested, and was taking mostly quiet back streets. After a few streets he shifted you in his arms and you looked up at him. “So…I couldn’t help but notice….you referred to your dad in past tense… is there a reason for that?” he asked while keeping his eyes glued to the road ahead. You sighed and leaned more into his shoulder. “Yeah…he and mum are both dead” you stated in monotone. You felt him tense slightly at your words “Oh…” You looked up at his face and saw that he still wasn’t looking at you, but he looked uncomfortable. “It happened a long time ago. I think I was about 5 at the time, so I don’t remember much. Just mum was always really warm and that dad always smelled nice….kinda like you” you murmured the last part. You saw him smirk though and you realized he heard you. You blushed and immediately look away from his face, looking at where you were instead. You sighed with relief seeing that you were literally entering the large building that you assumed was the hospital. Phew, just in time. I didn’t want to hear the awkward conversation that would’ve follow my stupid comment you thought. Kiba ignored the wheel chairs that were clearly meant for patients to be put on, and strolled up to the main counter with you still in his arms. He cleared his throat and the nurse at the counter looked up. She narrowed her eyes at you in Kiba’s arms and looked behind him at the wheelchairs and sighed. “What can I help you with?” she asked plastering on a fake smile. You were about to tell her, but Kiba beat you to it. “She got bit by a wild fox several times. She has some deep bite marks that might need stiches. I did my best to clean them,” at this the nurse eyed his bandaging and pressed her lips together, clearly trying not to laugh, “plus she’s gone at least three days without food or rest and very little water.”

The nurse wrote down everything he said then stood up and walked around the counter. “We aren’t busy so you can bring her straight back” she said before she started walking, expecting Kiba to follow. She walked passed a few curtained rooms before stopping at one with an open curtain. “You can put her on the bed here” she said while pulling a hospital gown off the shelf on the wall. Kiba set you down on the bed and the nurse handed you the gown. “I’m going to need you to get changed into that. Are you able to do it on your own or are you going to need some help?” At this Kiba got a cheesy grin on his face and he looked at you. Knowing he was trying to make you uncomfortable you just looked away casually saying “No I’m sure I can manage on my own” then to try to make Kiba uncomfortable you looked him in the eye and put your hand on his forearm, leaning forward to make sure he could see down your top, “but I’m sure if I need ANYTHING Kiba would be more than happy to help me.” With that his eyes widened, his grin faltered and a bright red blush crept up his cheeks. Satisfied with his reaction, you smiled and leaned back bringing your hand off his arm. You then smiled happily back at the nurse, who was clearly exasperated by both of you and said “but unless I call I’m sure I’ll be fine.” The nurse nodded and grabbed a still dazed Kiba’s arm and pulled him out of the room, closing the curtain behind them.

You slowly pulled your shirt over your head, you then pulled the collar of the hospital gown up around your neck and tied it before taking your bra off. No offense to the curtain people, but you just didn’t trust them to keep you hidden if someone wanted to have a peek at you. You then put your arms through the sleeves and pushed yourself off the bed. You realised you how exhausted you were as your legs nearly collapsed under you. You decided on a different method. You got fully back on the bad then lifted your hips slightly as you undid the button of your shorts and slid them off your hips. You lowered your hips and finished pulling them off. I’m not gunna take my underwear off unless the doctor specifically tells me too. I have no injuries under them you thought to yourself. You folded your clothes and put them at the end of your bed, then laid back against the pillows. You could feel you fatigue trying to take over and make you fall asleep, but you knew you should try to stay awake for the doctor. Try as you might though your eyes slowly slid closed.

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