Chapter 22

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You stared into Kiba’s eyes for what felt like forever. His hands remained on your shoulders. The ticklish sensation from your tattoo slowly spread through your body and you truly enjoyed the feeling. “Y/n?” Kiba’s voice snapped you out of your trance and you blushed darkly as you realized just how close your face was to his bare chest. You quickly planted your feet on the bottom of the pool and stood straight. “Hi Kiba” you murmured quietly. Kiba’s hands were still on your shoulders, “Are you ok y/n?” You nodded slightly and fidgeted under his grip. The sensation radiating from your tattoo was starting to make you feel strange. You stepped back and Kiba’s hands slipped off your body, “I was just thinking. I was trying to remember if there was a way to reverse the effects of the jutsu.” You moved back over to the rock Gus was sitting on and you sat back on the small ledge. Kiba sat on the ledge next to you, but he kept as much distance between the two of you as the small ledge would allow.

Your tattoo had started prickling again as soon as the physical contact between the two of you had been broken, though it wasn’t as intense as it was before. It made you want to reach out and touch Kiba, but you kept reminding yourself that Kiba was also under the effects of the jutsu, though he didn’t show it, and you didn’t want to make things more difficult for him. He huffed out a sigh and let his body relax against the rocks, closing his eyes in the process. You took the opportunity to let your eyes roam over his body. His tanned skin was peppered with small scars from his life as a shinobi. You thought of your own skin, which was nearly scar free, and you frowned. You hadn’t really considered just how pampered of a life you had lived in Field village. You had always been one of the toughest ninja there, had always pushed yourself to train harder, even though there was never really a need, all so that if you ever met a shinobi from another village you wouldn’t appear weak. But looking at Kiba you realized that you’d always be weak compared to him. You lacked real world experience. Your eyes continued to study him. Your mouth felt slightly dry when you looked at his well-muscled chest. Granted, he wasn’t as muscular as Hidan was, but Hidan’s chest certainly didn’t affect you the same way as Kiba’s. Hidan’s chest was just that, a chest. It didn’t make you feel anything, it didn’t even make your eyes linger on it, but Kiba’s chest. You didn’t want to look away from it and the sight of it did funny things to your body. “Y/n?” you tore your gaze away from Kiba’s chest and looked back up at his face. His eyes were now open and he staring at you face intently. He was blushing slightly and you realized he’d been watching you stare at him. You blushed darkly and turned away from him, trying to think of something to talk about.

Your mind moved to Hinata and Shino. “Kiba, how come you aren’t very affected by my jutsu like Hinata and Shino are?” The water rippled slightly as Kiba shifted beside you, “What makes you think I’m not affected?” You glanced over at him to see him staring at you. You looked away again, “Well…you just don’t seem affected. You aren’t looking at me the way they did and you aren’t acting any differently. I’m just curious as to why.” It was silent for a long time and you wondered if Kiba was even going to answer you. The water rippled again and you felt Kiba’s hand brush through your hair near you tattoo. You tensed slightly, but relaxed as you felt the same pleasant feeling coming from your tattoo at the physical contact. You couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like if he were to touch your tattoo directly. You felt his body move closer to yours, his leg brushing against yours in the water, and you looked back up at him. He looked nervous for some reason and his face was coloured by a deep blush, “It’s cause I’m used to this feeling when I’m around you.” Your eyes widened slightly as the meaning behind his words sunk in. He couldn’t possibly mean what you were hoping he meant, could he? The hand that was gently brushing through your hair moved to the back of your head and he slowly leaned in. You held your breath as he got closer, you could feel the warmth radiating off his skin. His eyes were locked with yours and he whispered your name. You shivered slightly and slowly closed your eyes.


The two of you sprang apart, staring in shock at the ANBU that had interrupted. He shook his head at the two of you and came over, literally lifting Kiba out of the water and dragging him away, “Do you honestly think you were going to be allowed to roam around without us keeping an eye on you while the effects of her jutsu are still active?” Kiba was sputtering something about his actions not being from the jutsu while struggling to get free. The ANBU member didn’t seem to notice Kiba’s struggling at all, “Don’t care what the reason behind your actions are. My job is to keep an eye on you and keep you from trying anything with her until you all get back to the village.” You stared as Kiba was dragged into the men’s changing room and the door was shut firmly.

You sat there with your mouth hanging open dumbly until you felt Gus’s paw swat you across the back of your head. You turned and looked at him, and saw that he was giving you a look like a disapproving parent would. “Oh shut up,” you muttered before sinking your head under the water.

After you took a few minutes to calm down you got out of the water and got changed back into your clothes. You were walking back towards your room when you saw the same ANBU member that had dragged Kiba away coming towards you. You looked down at your feet sheepishly and tried to walk past him. His hand shot out and grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. You refused to meet his eye and just stood there waiting for him to talk. You noticed that your tattoo didn’t create the pleasant ticklish sensation at the physical contact with him. “Hey.” He tugged at your arm gently and you looked up at his masked face, “There’s no need to feel ashamed or anything. I’m not judging anyone, but until I see you all off to the village, it’ll make my job easier if you…keep things professional.” You nodded at him and you could sense that the man behind the mask was smiling at you, “And at least we now know for sure why he’s able to control himself when the others can’t. Though I had a feeling that that was the reason.” You smiled back, his words making you feel better about what had happened in the hot-spring, and he let you go, walking away down the hall. You made your way to your room where a dinner was waiting for you. You passed a piece of chicken to Gus and ate your meal quietly.

After your meal you laid down to try to sleep again, but you were still feeling too restless, so you dug through your bag and pulled out one of you Icha Icha paradise books. You couldn’t see why everyone had always made a big deal of the books. Granted there were some parts that would make you blush while reading them, but they weren’t any different from romance novel’s you’d read in the past. The only real difference was that these books were written from the male point of view, so you found them really fascinating. As it got later the hotel became more and more silent. It was nearly three in the morning when you finally put out the candle you’d been using to read. You laid down and shut your eyes. You still didn’t feel like sleeping, but you at least had to try, in case the effects had worn off of your teammates and you had to travel tomorrow. You tossed and turned for a while, trying to clear your head, but every time you were nearly asleep Kiba’s voice whispering your name floated through your head. It was nearly dawn when you finally fell into an exhausted sleep.

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