Chapter 7

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Authors note again: I may be changing some of the characters personalities a little; I mean they’re grown up, people change as they grow up. I’ll try my best to stick with they’re usual personality, but with some, hopefully, minor tweaks to suit the story.

You walked outside with all of your bags. You spotted Akumaru right away, but it took a while to spot Kiba. He was standing right next to the door partially hidden by a hanging basket of flowers, with his forehead pressed against the wall, pulling at his hair and muttering something to himself. “Kiba?” he jumped and turned to look at you at the sound of your voice. He had an odd look in his eyes, not as gentle as you were used to. “You ok? You look…off.” He turned to face you and slowly stepped towards you. Akumaru stepped between you and Kiba and let out a whine. Kiba’s eyes flicked to Akumaru then back to you. He took a deep breath and turned his back, “I’m fine” he growled in a deeper than usual voice. “Get on Akumaru’s back. If you’re done we’ll head back” he started walking without even glancing at you again. You quickly scrambled up on Akumaru’s back. “Why’s he so mad…. I didn’t think I really took that long in there…” you murmured to yourself. Akumaru clearly heard you and he heaved out a sigh and shook his head gently, ear lightly slapping your arms. “Are you telling me he’s not mad at me?” Akumaru dipped his head slightly, clearly in a nod. You leaned down to whisper to him, “Then why is he acting like this?” Akumaru gave no response to this.  You spent most of the trip home thinking about why Kiba was acting so strange. Kiba didn’t say a word, but his body slowly seemed to relax.

You got to the bottom of the stairs to your apartment and you slid off Akumaru’s back to make it easier for him to go up the stairs. He still carried the bags up as he leapt past Kiba, who was already up to the second landing. “He’s not even gunna wait? Fine…I’m just going to take my sweet time climbing these stairs” you muttered to yourself, feeling annoyed, and started climbing the stairs slowly. When you finally get to your floor you saw Kiba leaning against the railing, looking at his feet. You walked straight past him and opened the door, holding it for Akumaru, then walking in after, leaving Kiba to handle it himself. You started taking the bags off of Akumaru and putting them in the areas they belonged. Kiba walked in and started helping putting things away. His eyes were back to normal and he kept glancing at you. You grabbed the bags that were to go upstairs and brushed past Kiba. “Look I’m sorry!” you heard him almost shout, making you pause with your foot on the bottom step. You turned and forced a smile on your face. “No worries, I just don’t like being treated like that” you turned back and started up the stairs. You were still annoyed, but you knew better than to hold grudges over nothing. You could hear Kiba sigh, then heard him start putting the groceries away. You put your new clothes away, then went into the washroom and started putting the bathroom supplies away. You had to shut the door to get to the storage unit for towels.

Once you were finished, you opened the door and nearly walked smack into Kiba’s chest. You jumped back, letting out a surprised squeak. You could tell that Kiba was trying to not laugh at this and you playfully glared at him. “What’s the big idea? You scared me half to death!” “Sorry. I just wanted to know where you wanted me to put these?” he asked while holding up a bag that you didn’t remember getting. You grabbed the bag and looked into it, seeing a bunch of cat supplies. “I got those while you were getting clothes. Figured that you’d like to have everything ready for when Gus can come home.” You felt your anger at Kiba’s earlier behaviour completely vanish. “Does this mean I’ll be allowed to have him living here with me?” Kiba nodded, “I asked Tsunade before you even left the hospital. Once my sister says he can leave, he’s all yours” he said with a big grin, seeming to be happy that you weren’t mad anymore. You threw your arms around his neck, nearly knocking him over in the process. “THANK YOUU!!” you yelled happily, while laughing. To think that you were already going to have a family in this town, sure it was a furry family member, but this still made you happy. Kiba laughed too and picked you up spinning you around. 

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