Chapter 14

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Your POV

You slammed the door shut behind you and flicked the lights on, while Gus went over to his food dish and ate. You reached up and ripped your hair loose from its tie and yank the armour off and kicked the chest piece across the room before allowing your legs to buckle and a sob choked out of you. You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly and leaned forward until your forehead touched the ground, silent sobs wracking your body.

You didn’t understand any of it. Why had you felt like you’d been punched ten times by Tsunade in the chest when you had seen Kiba and that girl? Why had you run away like your life depended on it? Why had tears started running down your cheek without your consent? Why did you feel like you were being ripped apart? And why hadn’t he told you?!

You slowly calmed your breathing and sat up again and lowered your hands into your lap. You stared at your hands thinking. Yes, why hadn’t he told you? All these other feelings simply stemmed from that one question. And why did you care? You shook your head violently; no it wasn’t that you cared, you simply felt betrayed by him not telling you about his girlfriend. In all that time the two of you had spent together and all that time he spent telling you about his friends and introducing you to them, he had never once mentioned his girlfriend. Did he not trust you enough to tell you about her? If so why not? You trusted him with everything…well almost everything. Your tears slowly stopped. That’s right…everyone keeps things to themselves… Kiba certainly doesn’t know everything about me, like the details of why I left my village, or about my ex. You rubbed your thumbs together and suddenly felt ashamed at your outburst. You didn’t have any right to be angry with him. You did have the right to feel hurt though, and no matter how logical his actions were, and no matter how much you tried to explain it away, there was no denying that you were hurting a great deal. But, why were you hurting so much? Simply feeling surprised by his keeping a secret didn’t come close to explaining the pain you were feeling in your chest. Was it possible?

Did you have feelings for him?

You weren’t really familiar with having feelings for someone. You had never really even developed feeling for your ex, you’d simply dated him because he was the first person since your parents died to ever say that they wanted to be with you and that they liked you. It had made you happy to be liked, and to be around someone that actually enjoyed your company, but you had only ever cared for him like a best friend. Even when you had given him you virginity, you hadn’t loved him in a romantic way. (A.N. yes in this story you aren’t a virgin, but you only did it once and you are still kinda dense and really innocent when it comes to sex and such. Hence you don’t recognize when someone is aroused or looking at you with lust. Yada yada.) That was why you had ended the relationship. It wasn’t honest to let someone think you loved them when you didn’t. You had seen him with other girls and it never bothered you. It had never bothered you to see anyone that you had been close with, with someone else.

But Kiba was different. Every time you thought back and the image of their lips pressed together you felt like you wanted to throw up and you wanted to punch them, rip them away from each other, and claim Kiba’s lips for yourself. Your body tensed at the last part of that thought. Did you really want to kiss him? You raised your hands to your lips and pressed. His lips would probably be soft. And warm. And they’d probably feel amazing… You quickly slapped your hand down onto your leg and shook your head frantically again. “Stop it!” you hissed to yourself. He has a girlfriend! Thinking like that will only hurt you more!

 You pushed yourself to your feet and made your way upstairs. You had a quick shower to rinse your sweat away and to get rid of that gross, tight feeling the skin on your face always had whenever you cried. When you got out after only five minutes, you dried off and put on some of your sleeping clothes, a pair of black short shorts and a simple purple tee shirt. You walked back down the stairs and started to make yourself a small dinner. You didn’t feel like eating at all right now, but you knew you’d need the energy for your training, so you forced the small meal down your throat.

You were just finishing washing the dishes when you heard a knock at your door. Your stomach dropped. This time of night, the only person that would be coming to visit would be him. You shrunk back against your counter and stared wide-eyed at the door. Why would he be here? He should be with his girlfriend right now! Another knock sounded, “Y/n?” Kiba’s voice called out. Your grip on the counter tightened and your knuckles turned white as you tried to calm yourself down. You couldn’t handle seeing him right now! You needed more time to let your wounded heart heal a bit. A third knock sounded and you could hear him lean against the door, “C’mon y/n, your lights on, so I know you’re up. Open up, I wanna see you.” His voice almost sounded desperate. You swallowed hard and moved towards the door. You touched around your eyes to make sure it wasn’t obvious that you had been crying. Your eyes felt puffy, but you could probably play it off as being tired. You unlocked the door and cracked it open and peeked through the gap. There stood Kiba with his usual smile on his face, and you felt your heart squeeze painfully. “Hey…Kiba… I was just heading to bed. I’ve had a long day training, and I have more training tomorrow…” Kiba looked confused by you not opening the door to let him in, but he still smiled and leaned against the door frame, “Oh that’s right, today was your first day. How was it?” You glanced down and shifted slightly. “It was ok. Tsunade has classified me as a chunin, but depending on how well I do in training, she may move my rank to that of jounin…” You glanced back at his face and he was looking at you with a warm smile and he had a soft look in his eyes, “I’m proud of you.” Your cheeks took on a slight blush and you forced yourself to look away. You squeezed the edge of your shirt in your fist, trying to force yourself to act normal, and looked up to meet his eyes, “How was your mission?” He pressed his hand to the door, trying to open it up a little more, and he leaned in closer to you, “It went well, but I didn’t enjoy it one bit. I really missed you.”  He reached out and placed his hand on the top of your head. It was too much for you to handle at the moment and you flinched away from him. You leaned back away from him and pressed on the door narrowing the gap, “I’m really tired Kiba…” The smile finally fell from his face and a look of hurt took its place, “Y/n?” “Goodnight Kiba…” He took a step back like you’d slapped him, “Ah…yeah. I guess you need to rest…umm Goodnight… I’ll see you later?” You gave a curt nod, “Yeah I’ll see you later.” Your voice broke while you spoke and you could feel tears threatening to break loose again. You quickly pressed the door shut, locking it, and pressing your head against it. You could still feel Kiba’s chakra on the other side of it. You knew you’d hurt his feeling and he obviously had no idea why you were acting this way. You wanted to throw the door open, and wrap your arms around him and be exactly like you two had been before he left. But you couldn’t do that, he belonged to someone else. You needed to distance yourself from him, so that maybe you could get rid of the feelings you’d just discovered.

You quickly turned the lights off and went to bed, though you knew it’d be almost impossible to get any sleep.

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