Chapter 3

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Author note: I figured I should say this before I just go ahead and do it, but in this story, Sasuke lives in town again, and I’m going to be pairing up other characters as couples. At the start no one is dating other than Shikamaru and Tamari, but that will change.

Kiba’s POV

The room behind the curtain was silent. The nurse had left me to wait, and said I could go back in after y/n finished changing. I had gone outside and told Akumaru that he could head home. No point in both of us waiting, besides with him home he’d make sure nee-san made enough dinner for us. I looked back at the curtain separating me from y/n, it had been silent for a while now. I figured I’d check to see if she was doing ok. I walked up to the curtain, “Y/n? You doing ok in there?” I didn’t get an answer, so I pulled the curtain open slightly and stuck my head in. I saw y/n, changed into the gown, laying back against the pillows. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open, the only sound coming from her was her slow, even breathing. I went into the room pulling the curtains closed behind me and sat in the chair next to her bed.

 I looked at her from her head to her toe then. She was definitely beautiful, not in a delicate way like Hinata was, but in stronger, sturdier way. She looked like she was made to be able to survive anything. Her body was very muscular, but she still had feminine softness, and curves everywhere that counts. I remembered how her skin was surprisingly scar free when I bandaged her. Her physique clearly indicated that she was a shinobi, but the lack of scars made it clear that she hadn’t seen many fights. I wonder where she’s from I thought as I gently brushed her bangs off her forehead. She had nothing on her to indicate her home. I moved some more of her hair, sliding it behind her ear and saw a small tattoo. It looked like some sort of flower. I’d have to ask Ino later, unless y/n woke up soon.  I saw a pencil and some paper on the small table in the room, so I grabbed them and decided to draw out the image, knowing I wouldn’t be able to describe it right later. I looked back at her and looking at the bandaging job I had done. It was pretty bad, even by my standards. I had wrapped it looser than I should simply cause I hadn’t wanted to cause her any more pain than what I already had while cleaning her wounds. I couldn’t help but smile a little at the cute whining sound she’d made though. I know it was a sound of pain, but it was freaken cute!

The curtain opened, breaking me from my thoughts. Lady Tsunade walked in. I stood up a bowed, not wanting to get an earful for being disrespectful, “Lady Tsunade, I wasn’t expecting you to be down here treating patients.” She looked at me and shook her head, “I wouldn’t be, but I was informed of a patient here that wasn’t a resident. As Hokage it’s my job to learn about anyone in our village that isn’t from here.” She started unwrapping the bandages on y/n legs, “Should I wake her for you Lady Tsunade?” Lady Tsunade looked at me and shook her head before saying “No, I can speak to her when she wakes up on her own, but you can start unwrapping her arms.” I did as I was asked. Once y/n had all her bandages off Tsunade began her examination. She first used her chakra to find out how y/n’s body was functioning and if she had any internal injuries. Once that was finished she began the physical examination. A nurse came in and asked me to wait outside during this, seeing as how Tsunade would be examining y/n’s entire body. I decided to walk outside and breathe some fresh air. The hospital always got to me with all of the chemical smells. That’s why Akumaru never came inside. His nose couldn’t handle it. It was quite a while before the nurse came out to tell me it was ok to go in and see y/n again. When I walked back into y/n’s room I saw her with all new bandages, and two I.V.’s. One had a large bag of clear fluid and one had a small bag of milky looking fluid. Y/n was still sound asleep. I looked to Lady Tsunade, “How is she?” Lady Tsunade was cleaning up as she said “She’ll be fine. She was very dehydrated and clearly hasn’t eaten in quite a while, so that’s what these are for,” she pointed to the I.V.’s, “I’ve also stitched all of her injuries that needed it. I gave her some shots for anything she may have picked up from those bites. I also gave her a sedative to make sure she sleeps for the night.” She finished cleaning and walked to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. “She’ll be resting for the night, so you may as well head home and get some rest yourself.” With that she walked away to go do some Hokage stuff. I walked up to y/n’s bed and brushed her bangs off her forehead again. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” And I headed home.

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