Chapter 13

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(A.N. Hello everyone. Thank you all for the comments and votes. It really ecouraged me to add fuel to my writing. Please enjoy!)

Your alarm went off and you quickly hopped out of bed. You got dressed into one of your combat outfits. Fitted black pants and a fitted black tank top. You slipped the armour on over the clothing. The armour was a slightly grey, off-white colour. You tied your hair up so that it wouldn’t get into your face or block your vision later. You glanced at yourself in the mirror and giggled and how deadly you looked, and how different that was from your usual care-free look. (FYI your outfit looks like Kakashi’s ANBU outfit, but with some leg guards.) You also grabbed some of the weapons that you had bought over the last few days; some kunai, several shuriken, a katana and one of your small bladed fans.

You walked down the steps and you prepared food for both you and Gus. You had made yourself some waffles, sausage and sliced up a banana. You also made yourself a box lunch to bring with you. Once you finished eating you glanced out the window and saw the sky starting to lighten up in the east. You sighed and called out to Gus, “You coming with me or do you wanna chill at home?” Gus looked up at you then launched himself onto your shoulders. You laughed and patted his head, “Alright, but during the actual training you’ll have to stay to the side. I don’t want you getting hurt.” With that you headed out.

The village was very quiet at this time of day. There was a fog settled over everything, making you shiver slightly. It only took you a few minutes to get to the Hokage tower. The sun was just peeking over the horizon when you entered the building, and you quickly made your way to Tsunades office. You knocked on the door and heard her grumble “Come in.” You gulped while opening the door, she didn’t sound particularly happy, and sure enough when you saw her you could see the bags under her eyes. She looked majorly hung-over. “Lady…Tsunade? Are you alright?” she took a large swig from the coffee mug in front of her and narrowed her eyes at you, “I’ll be fine by time we get to our training area.” She quickly downed the rest of her coffee and stood up and walked past you out the door. You jogged to keep up with her. She glanced over at you and narrowed her eyes again, “That outfit suites you very well. Were you a black op in Field?” You shook your head, “No, I was only ever classified as a genin. Most people in Field were never sent to take the chunin exams. We had several people that were skilled enough to probably be jounin, but no one was ever tested. And as for this outfit, Hana Inuzuka lent me the armour, saying that you’d probably be testing me today and that I might need it” Tsunade laughed slightly at that comment, but didn’t say anything about it. The two of you walked in silence the rest of the way to the training grounds.

Tsunade had led you to a wide open field, with some trees clustered at the far end and a small stream to your right. Tsunade turned to you and held up a leaf headband, “So first we’ll be doing a simple test of your skills. You can come at me with everything you have, and your goal will be to get this headband away from me. Every time you manage to get it away from me I’ll step up the intensity of my attacks for the next round. For each round you’ll have two hours to try to get the headband. You’ll be ranked by the highest level at which you were able to get the headband. We’ll break for lunch at noon, then we’ll see exactly where you stand with your medical ninjutsu.” She tied the headband loosely around her waist and set up a clock with a timer. “We’ll start at exactly 6am and you’ll have until 8am. So we’ll be starting in one minute, go get into position” you nodded and placed Gus on a post near the edge of the field then ran and took your position at the far end of the field. You waited for Tsunade to signal when it was time to start.

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