Chapter 20

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~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

The past week and a half had gone by in a flash. You had been tracking the charka signatures with Hinata’s eyes and the scent trail with Kiba’s and Akumaru’s noses for a few days. But today the trail had gone cold. You had stretched out the search in several directions, but there wasn’t any indication of where the men had gone.

Hinata used her byakugan once more, trying to see any sign of chakra at all. After a couple minutes she stopped and heaved a defeated sigh, “There’s…no sign of…anything. It’s like…they vanished.” Shino was looking at a bug on his hand and he agreed with Hinata, saying that the trail didn’t pick up further away. Kiba flopped down on a log, “Well we may as well set up camp here for now. It’s not like we can do anything until we find something else to go on.” You all agreed. Shino and Hinata went to gather firewood. Kiba and Akumaru went searching for some food. You began setting up some basic genjutsu to keep anyone from being able to see your camp site from a distance.  Once everyone was back you all got busy building a fire, cooking food and laying out bedding. There was no sign of rain, so you didn’t bother setting up a shelter, since you likely wouldn’t be staying long. It was Shino’s turn to take night watch that night. So after your dinner the rest of you turned in for the night. Basically night watches had rotated between Shino, Kiba and yourself. You always let Hinata and Akumaru rest, since your best chance of tracking the Akatsuki was with them. You moved your blankets a little closer to the fire, since you could already feel the temperature dropping for the night. You laid down and let out a heavy sigh. All day you hadn’t been able to shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. When the trail had suddenly vanished, you had thought that it was just too complete of a vanishing. You’d have to search for signs of a genjutsu once the sun was up again, but for now you’d have to get some rest.

You heaved another heavy sigh. “Something on your mind?” You turned your head and saw Kiba setting up his bedding right by yours. He was giving you a serious look and you nodded, “Yeah, I just can’t shake the feeling that we’re missing something. It’s been nagging at me all day.” Kiba crawled under his blanket and turned onto his stomach, propping his chin on his arms so that he could still look at you, “Yeah, I’ve had that feeling too, but there’s nothing we can do about it tonight. So you may as well try to relax and get some rest. Shino won’t let anything get near us.” You stretched your arms out and poke his nose, “I guess you’re right. However, first thing tomorrow I’m gunna take a really good look around where we lost the trail, to see if I can find anything to explain it.” Kiba swatted your finger away from his nose, then rubbed it. Over the last few days you’d learned that his nose was kinda a ticklish spot for him, and you made use of that knowledge whenever you could. It was payback for the tickling he’d given you before the mission started. Kiba turned over, flopping onto his back, “Alright, I’ll help you look tomorrow, but don’t get up too early. Remember it’s your turn to do the night watch tomorrow.” You sighed and pulled your hands back under your blankets, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll make sure I’m rested enough for the night shift.”

After that both of you fell silent and you let sleep take over.

~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~

The sun was starting to rise high into the sky while you examined the area you’d first lost the trail at. All of your group had started searching at dawn. Your attention got pulled to a small silver coloured rock near the edge of the grass. It sparkled and reflected the light in a beautiful manner. You bent to look at it closer. It seemed somewhat familiar to you. You reached out to pick it up, but as soon as your fingers made contact you could feel movement in the air, as if the air itself had trembled. You looked around and touched the stone again, and this time you could see the air shake for a moment. Your eyes widened. You instantly realized where you’d seen a similar stone. Field Village used a jutsu very similar to this to hide the entrance gate. The entire gate was made of the illusion stone. The stone’s ability to hide things took next to no chakra making it easy to set up, but it also gave it a flaw. You decided to test and see if you were right about it. You infused a small amount of your chakra into the stone, then stood up and turned to look at your comrades. You spotted Hinata a short distance away, “Hinata, can you come here for a second?” She came over quickly, “What is it…y/n?” You glanced down at the rock that was just behind you, “Can you watch me and tell me if anything happens. If it does I’ll explain.” She nodded and you took a step back so that your body was behind the stone. She gasped and her eyes widened. Her eyes rapidly began moving back and forth, “Y/n! Where did…you go?” You stepped in front of the stone again, “What happened?” Hinata’s eyes locked onto you as soon as you stepped forward, “You vanished.” You nodded, “I thought so. Ok I’m gunna do it again, but this time please watch me with your byakugan.” She nodded and activated her byakugan, eyes locked on you. You stepped back again. You watched her focus hard and she bit her lip, trying to see any sign of you or your chakra. She shook her head for a moment then she opened her mouth, “Kiba!” Both Kiba and Akumaru came over at the sound of her voice, and she quickly asked them to try to catch your scent. Akumaru sniffed until the invisible line created by the stone, but he obviously lost your scent past there. He even walked right past you sniffing, but he clearly couldn’t find you. Hinata’s eyes followed Akumaru as he moved past the point where you had vanished and she pursed her lips. She was beginning to understand what you’d found, but you doubted that she understood just how dangerous this genjutsu was. Kiba had followed after Akumaru and was currently standing right next to you. You reached your hand out and flicked his nose. He jumped back, while pulling out his kunai, his eyes trying frantically to find what had just touched him. You stepped forward, so that everyone could see you again.

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