Chapter 21

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The ring of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the area. You had just barely managed to pull out a kunai and stopped the red scythe mere inches from your head. Your eyes were locked with the violet eyes of the man in front of you. The light of the moon made his silver hair almost seem to glow. The man was wearing a black and red cloak that was open at the front, showing his bare muscular chest. “Well, well aren’t you the clever little b*tch. We didn’t think anyone would be able to break through that. Now why don’t you point out where the rest of your little f*cking group is, and make my job easier.” You remained silent, thanking the heavens that you had shown Hinata how to set up the jutsu that would hide their presence. The man saw your silent determination and let out a growl, “Gunna be a b*tch about it huh? That’s fine, I can just take my time and torture it out of you!” He jumped back and pulled his scythe back for another attack. You leapt back at the last second, causing the blades to sink deep into the earth. You leapt backwards again to open up some distance and you let out a high-pitched whistle to alert Akumaru to the danger. Hopefully everyone would follow the plan and retreat back to the ANBU camp like they were supposed to while you bought them time by distracting the man in front of you. You suddenly sensed a second chakra coming at you from above. You shot a quick glance up and saw a large white bird with someone riding it. The bird tilted to the side and you got a good look at the rider. He too was wearing a long black and red cloak and he had long blond hair. He dropped something that looked like a spider and your eyes widened. You remembered reading about something like this when you had prepared for the mission. You pulled your bladed fan from your belt and swung while pumping your chakra into it. It created a large blast of wind that sent the white spider flying away from you a second before it exploded. You heard laughter coming from the man with the scythe before he called out to his comrade, “Looks like this one is wise to your trick blondie!” The large bird landed near the man with the scythe and the blond man hopped off its back and he started shouting something at the silver haired man. You mind was running a mile a minute. That’s Diedara of Iwagakure! But, that’s impossible, the report stated that he was dead! How can he be here? You shook your head and took a deep breath. You needed to focus, panic wouldn’t do you any good right now. Your eyes moved to the other man. You had also come across a file on him, his name was Hidan of Yukakure. He was supposed to be buried somewhere. Clearly information needed to be updated. You remembered the note of his Curse Technique, and how he needed the blood of his victims to use it. You swallowed as you realized what a deadly pair you were facing. You knew that the odds of you surviving were not in your favour, but you just had to take up enough of their time for your team to escape.

All these thoughts passed through your mind in a matter of seconds. You watched the two bicker and felt irritation creep up within you. Here you were, ready to fight to the death, and these two were bickering and calling each other names. But at least they’re attention was on each other.


You swore under your breath as you watched the two men turn their heads in the direction of the sound. You didn’t need to look to know what was happening. Kiba and Akumaru had obviously decided to go against the plan and, instead of running, they were sticking their noses into this fight. And you knew that if Kiba and Akumaru weren’t running than neither would Hinata or Shino. You cursed their idiocy. You quickly did some hand signs and giant vines erupted from the ground between your teammates and the two men, forcing the two men to jump back repeatedly to dodge your attacks. Your teammates reached you and took up their own fighting positions. You kept attacking while shouting at your teammates, “Are you all idiots?! The plan was to withdraw if it came down to a fight!” “We couldn’t leave you to die!” You heard Kiba say quietly back to you. You softened your voice, “But now we’re all going to die.” There was silence after your comment before Kiba spoke again, “I couldn’t think of a better way to die than to die beside you.” You felt heat creep into your cheeks and you puffed out a sigh. Of course Kiba would say something to make you feel all mushy at a moment like this.

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