Chapter 23

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You stretched your arms above your head while you waited by the front gate of the hotel. Your group had been cleared to travel back to the village today. It had been four days since you had all been brought there and the ANBU had finally concluded that the effects of your jutsu had worn off of your teammates. You had stayed in you room most of the last three days, trying to avoid creating anymore ‘problems’ for the ANBU members. It was going to be nice to be moving around again and having the company of your friends again. You had been packed and ready to go for a while since you hadn’t been sleeping much. You watched as the sun rose higher into the sky, burning off the early morning fog. Everything was coated with a light layer of frost and your breath puffed in front of you, but you didn’t feel even slightly cold. You were learning that the new effects that your enlarged tattoo went far beyond the effects you’d noticed the first night. Other than the higher levels of energy and the dull ache that radiated from the tattoo you had noticed a higher tolerance to temperature changes you seemed to be able to pick up on feelings of those around you slightly more clearly. You could practically sense what Gus would be thinking during the last few days and whenever you did leave your room you would get strong vibes from anyone you got close enough to.

You heard footsteps coming towards you and you turned to see Hinata slowly waking over to you. You gave her a bright smile, “Morning Hinata!” She paused for a moment and her cheeks turned red, but then she continued walking towards you and stopped when she was in front of you, “Good…morning…y/n.” She refused to meet your eyes and you realized that this must be really awkward for her. You had no idea what she’d been going through for the last few days, but it must have been difficult for her. You shifted slightly and tried to break the tension, “So, what’d you think of the food here?” She looked up at you with a questioning look, clearly thinking it was an odd question. She seemed to realize what you were trying to do and she gave you a grateful smile, “It was…good. Though…I’m thinking…of getting some…ramen when we…get back.” You nodded and your own mouth started watering at the thought of ramen. “I’m willing to bet Naruto will be at Ichiraku’s like usual.” Hinata’s blush returned and she nodded, “I’m going to…” You tilted your head when she let her sentence trail off, but when you saw how she kept getting redder and redder by the second you realized what the rest of her sentence was. “Really?!” you shouted while a huge smile burst across your face. She nodded again and you squealed excitedly, “OH! I’m so happy to hear that! I just KNOW you two would be great together! I’m going to be rooting for you the entire time!” “What are you going to be rooting for?” Both you and Hinata turned and saw the boys had finally joined you. You glanced at Hinata and you could tell that she didn’t want the boys to know what you had just been talking about. You smiled and put a finger in front of your lips, “It’s a secret.” Shino simply shrugged it off, but Kiba looked like he was going to pout about you not telling him. That is until his eyes locked onto your finger pressed against your lips and he blushed turning away slightly. Your own face heated up and you looked away as well.

“Everyone ready to go?” You turned to face to road you’d all be taking back to the village to see the same ANBU man as before standing there. You could sense the confusion coming from Hinata and Shino at his presence, “Will you…be coming…with us?” You felt the man’s eyes move to rest of both you and Kiba from behind his mask and you blushed darker, realizing what his reason for coming along was. He simply nodded and gave an answer that you knew wasn’t entirely true, “Yes, since your team was spotted by the Akatsuki there’s a risk of you all being attacked on the journey home. So I’ve been assigned to accompany you to keep you all safe.” You were thankful for him not letting Hinata and Shino know that he was really there to also keep an eye on you and Kiba. You glanced over at Kiba and saw him glaring daggers at the man. He clearly hadn’t forgiven him for what happened in the hot-spring and he must have also realized that we were going to be babysat until we got back to the village. He glanced at you and you tried to give him a small smile. He huffed out a sigh and relaxed, deciding against arguing about the ANBU’s presence. You turned back to face the ANBU man and shifted so that your pack was better settled on your shoulders, “Well then, shall we get going?” He nodded and everyone started walking.

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