Chapter 6

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Your POV

The sun was just rising over the trees. Kiba was already standing outside the hospital waiting for you to finish getting changed and collect your mountain of scrolls. I know he said he’d be here early, but I didn’t think he meant THIS early you thought as you groaned. First Lady Tsunade had woken you up before sunrise for your checkup, during which she had decided that you were ok to leave and gave you the address and the keys to your apartment. She also had dumped about 20 more scrolls onto your bed. You had been about to go back to sleep when a nurse walked in saying that Kiba was here. You had gotten changed and you were walking towards the door attempting to juggle the pile of scrolls. You could barely see where you were going because of all the scrolls. You managed to find your way outside and you walked forward hoping Kiba wasn’t far. You heard someone burst out laughing then felt someone’s hand brush against your stomach as they reached their arms around the scrolls, lifting them from your arms. With the scrolls out of your face you could see who had helped you. You looked up into the grinning face of none other than Kiba. “You looked like a lil kid doing a paper route!” He laughed some more, “C’mon, Akumaru is waiting over here.” He turned and walked over to a bench where you could see Akumaru standing. Kiba must’ve been expecting you to have some scrolls, cause he had a large bag slung over his shoulder that he was stuffing the scrolls into as he walked. Akumaru barked, wagging his tail when you got to him. “Hi Akumaru,” you said patting his head. You loved how soft his fur was. “How ‘bout we stop by your place first. Drop these scrolls off and see what we have to work with before we go into town.” You nodded and fished the paper you had written the address on out of your pocket. You realized how much weight you’d lost in the past week or so when your shorts slid low on your hips, revealing half of your panties. You blushed and quickly hiked them back up, then looked at the paper, trying to hide your blush. You told Kiba the address. He nodded and then grabbed your waist, lifting you up. This made you squeak in surprise and struggle a bit, “Relax, you’re still getting better, so I’m just putting you up on Akumaru’s back.” You stopped struggling, but didn’t relax. You were incredibly ticklish on your sides. He hefted you onto Akumaru’s back then hopped up behind you, reaching his arms past your waist and gripping Akumaru’s fur, keeping you secured. Kiba told Akumaru where to go and he started walking. On the way to your new apartment Kiba would point out things as you went by them. He pointed out a few restaurants and some clothing stores. You made note of them, knowing you needed to at least get a belt before you almost mooned anyone again. You all rounded a corner and a gust of wind picked up, causing your hair to whip back and hit Kiba in the face. You felt him tense up and cut off mid-sentence. You turned your head to look at him while grabbing your hair to keep it from hitting him again. “Sorry Kiba! I knew I should have tied my hair before leaving the hospital” you realized his eyes were closed and he had what looked like a pained expression on his face. Crap my hair must’ve gotten him in the eye! You thought in shock. You reached to put your hand on his temple. “Are you ok?! Did my hair get in your eyes? I’m really sorry!” His body started relaxing and he opened his eyes giving you a smile, but his face still held some tension. “Yeah…it was your hair…it got me, but no worries. I wouldn’t be much of a ninja if a little hair took me out.” He laughed, but you couldn’t help but feel like he wasn’t saying everything. You decided to shrug it off though and turned back around holding your hair forward. It was quiet for a few minutes, but Kiba started talking again about stores that you could get unique things. After a while you got onto a street lined with apartments. Akumaru stopped in front of a large blue building with stairs leading up to different floors from the outside. Kiba hopped off then helped you down. He started walking up the stairs. The apartment was on the third floor. When you got to the door you pulled out the key and opened the door and stepped in.

Forever Home (Kiba x reader love story)Where stories live. Discover now