Chapter 4

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Your POV

You slowly started coming to, feeling the familiar fuzzy feeling that comes with having been sedated. A moment of panic hit you, forcing your eyes to fly open. You sat up slightly before the pain in your body reminded you of what happened. You laid back taking in your surroundings. Right…I’m in the hospital. The guy named Kiba brought me here. I wonder how long I’ve been here… you thought to yourself, looking around for a clock or window. Anything to indicate how much time had passed, but not seeing anything. God your body hurt. Not just your injuries, but your muscles and bones too, from having walked without rest for three days. You rubbed your arms trying to ease some of the tension in them, your hands hurting as you did so. You looked at your hands to see IV needles imbedded in them. You had to take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and not rip them out. You hated needles with a passion.

You heard someone approaching your curtained room a moment before they pulled the curtains open. There stood a blond woman, with brown eyes, a purple mark on her forehead, and huge breasts. You looked away quickly. What’s with her shirt?! It almost forces you to look at her chest! “Good to see that you are awake. I’m Tsunade. I’m the one that is in charge of your treatment. I’m also Hokage of this village.” She said with a pleasant smile. Hearing that she was the Hokage, with your upbringing, you immediately tried to get up so you could bow. She quickly stepped forward and pressed your shoulder to the bed, “Don’t go ripping out your stitches to try to be polite.” You looked her in the eye and nodded, “I’ll have to bow extra to make up for it later.” She laugh at your comment. “It’s good to see that you’re in good spirits. I’m going to examine you now to see how your healing in coming along. I’m also going to be asking you some questions, Kiba wasn’t able to give a history for you.” Your eyes widened at Kiba’s name and you glanced around, feeling slightly depressed when you saw he wasn’t there. You locked eyes with Tsunade and realized she was waiting for your response. “Oh! Sorry, yeah of course. I’ll answer any questions you have for me to the best of my ability.” She nodded and smiled knowing why your answer was delayed, “He has a mission to do today, I’m sure he’ll be by later.” You relaxed a little more into the bed and nodded. She wrapped a blood pressure cuff around your arm and pressed a stethoscope to your chest. She got you to breathe in and out several times and checked your blood pressure. You assumed they were ok since she moved on and started removing your bandages. She pressed around your stitches, looking for signs of swelling, heat or any unusual redness. After she got through with checking all your physical injuries she stood up straight. “How are you feeling?” she asked. You shifted your body feeling the soreness everywhere, “I’m sore” you admitted sheepishly. She nodded and gathered some chakra in her hands and started moving them over your body, “I’m not surprised, your muscles are very fatigued. Though I’m surprised that they are this fatigued after only three days.” You shook your head “Oh I wasn’t just walking for three days. I simply found the cat three days ago and started walking without taking a rest. I’ve been walking for a little over a week now.”Tsunade kept moving her hands over your body and you could feel the pain fading a bit. “Where were you walking from?” You smiled to yourself thinking and we’ve entered the interrogation portion. “From the Village Hidden in the Field. That’s where I’m from, I was raised there. I was starting training as a medical shinobi there.”

“Why did you leave?” she asked you. “Personal reasons,” she gave you a look at that answer, and you sighed knowing that you needed to be forthcoming. “I am not rogue if that’s what you’re thinking. I left because since my parents died when I was 5, I’ve been passed around to different family members, none of them really wanting to have me as their burden. So I figured since I am almost 18, and I’d have to find my own place when I turn 18 anyways, I’d just start early and try to find a nice place to live.” Tsunade was looking at you thoughtfully, “Field Village is a nice place to live, very peaceful from what I hear. So if you were wanting to live in a nice place, why would you leave there?” I shrugged, my body feeling much better thanks to Tsunades treatment. “It is a very peaceful place. I didn’t leave because of any problems with the village. It’s just…when you’ve spent your whole life not really being accepted into a home, it kinda makes you feel like you don’t belong in that village at all. So I wanted to find a place where I could feel like I belonged. I asked Kusanokage (grass shadow) before I left if I would be allowed. She said it would be fine, since she knew my families history.” Tsunade removed her hands and nodded. “Well you’re welcome to stay here in Konoha for as long as you wish, so long as it doesn’t create problems with Field Village.” Your eyes widened. You hadn’t expected to actually be so easily allowed to stay here. You felt your chest tighten with gratitude, you reached out and grasped her hand, “Thank you!” you said squeezing her hand lightly. She laughed again, “Well if you wish to stay, I’ll go to make living arrangements for you. The nurse will be bringing you some food shortly.” “Does that mean I can to have these things taken out?” you asked tugging at the IV tubes. Tsunade stopped at the curtains and looked at you over her shoulder, “Not yet. You still have today and tonight with those before I’ll even consider letting you take those out.”

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