Chapter 10

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(Oh my gosh! I'm already at chapter 10! I'm so happy! By the way thank you for all the supportI've been given! I love my readers!! Now on a slightly sad note, my work has increased hours so my posts may be a little slower, but I'm still going to write whenever I have off time. Lots of love!)


Lights turned on and streamer cannons blasted, showering you with confetti and streamers. You jumped backwards into Sakura’s chest. It’s still shocked you a bit even though you were expecting it. Sakura laughed and guided you forward by your shoulders. Your eyes looked through all the faces surrounding you, hoping to see anyone you knew. You spotted Naruto and Kiba nearby with big smiles on their faces and you even saw Sasuke leaning against a wall near a table loaded with food. Once people finished with the initial greeting, during which you got slapped on the back lots, the crowd thinned and people settled into their own activities. You sighed with relief and wandered over to Kiba. “I thought you had a mission” you said to him when you reached him and Naruto. Kiba smiled at you, “I did, but I was done with it a couple hours ago. I came here and helped Ino set up though.” You took a look around the room again, “It’s nice. There’s a lot of people here though huh?” Kiba nodded and started guiding you forward, “Yeah, I told you everybody’s pretty friendly, so everyone wants to meet you. Let me introduce you to my teammates” he said while leading you over to a girl with long dark blue/black hair and pale eyes who was talking to a guy with short spiky dark brown hair and sunglasses. “Hinata, Shino!” They stopped talking and turned to look at you and Kiba. Kiba put a hand on your head, “This is y/n. Y/n this is Hinata and Shino.” You smiled and bowed slightly to each of them. “…hello y/n” Hinata said quietly bowing in return and Shino simply dipped his head in a nod. “I…hear that you’ll be training with…Lady Tsunade” Hinata said quietly. “Yeah, my training to be a medical ninja starts at the end of this week. I’m hoping to also get some combat training though, I only really have basic skills” “I’m sure…you’ll do great” Hinata smiled encouragingly.

The three of you talked for a little bit before you heard Sakura calling your name and waving for you to come over to her. You excused yourself from them and Kiba came with you over to where Sakura was standing. “Hey Sakura, what’s up?” you said when you got to her. “I wanted to introduce you to the other ‘gift givers’. This is Ino, Sai and Ten Ten. Guys, this is y/n” You smiled brightly at the three people, “Thank you all for the gift, I really like it. By the way, great party!” Sakura and the others looked pleased, but Kiba looked confused, “What gift?” he asked. The guy that Sakura had introduced as Sai gave an oddly forced looking smile “It’s a secret. According to Sakura it should be counted as a secret weapon” and he gave a small laugh. Kiba’s face just became even more confused and you turned trying to hide your laugh as you remembered the look on his face when you first tried it on. Perhaps Sai was accurate in calling it a secret weapon.  Kiba looked back and forth between everyone that knew about the dress gift, getting agitated that no one was going to tell him. You decided to take some pity on him, “Don’t worry about it Kiba, they just pitched in and got me a nice gift” you said. He puffed out a breath, realizing that that was the only answer he was going to get anytime soon. When he puffed out his breath it blew some of your hair into your face and you reached up and tucked the hair behind your ear. Kiba quickly reached forward and grabbed some of your hair lifting it up behind your ear, “That reminds me! What’s with the flower tattoo behind your ear?” he asked while looking at your tattoo. You shrugged, “Honestly I don’t know. Apparently my mum gave it to my when I was born. It has something to do with her side of the family, and supposedly makes it easier to use a special jutsu. I don’t even know what type of flower it is.” The girl named Ino stepped forward, “Well let me have a look at it. No one knows more about flowers than me.” She moved Kiba aside and pulled your hair out of the way to look at your tattoo. She also pressed on and around it. “Hmmm, well it’s a tattoo of a Gladiolus. It’s a really nice flower. It represents lots of stuff. Remembrance, faithfulness, honour, strength of character and infatuation. But it’s not just a normal tattoo… it seems to be connected to your chakra somehow. Definitely cool!” Everyone started talking about other things. You reached and touched it thinking about your mum and the jutsu she’d taught you before she died. You hadn’t understood what the jutsu was supposed to do back then, but now that you were older and had used it once before, you knew it’s power. Now knowing what the flower stood for it made sense that it would work to strengthen that jutsu.

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