Chapter 9

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(Some chapters are probably going to switch back and forth between POV’s and have several time skips. I want to try to get the lovey dovey stuff going, plus making every pov switch a new chapter is resulting in some very short chapters and I don’t like it.)

Your POV:

You woke up early to a bird tapping on your window. You groaned and sat up pushing your hair out of your eyes. How your hair always seemed to stick to your eyes while you slept, despite all the hair pins you used to keep it back, was beyond you. You pushed your blankets off of you and stood up and stretched. You decided to try cooking yourself some breakfast and headed down the stairs. After a few minutes you had found the cooking instructions that Kiba had given you for scrambled eggs. The instructions seemed easy enough and after a 20 minutes you had a plate of over-cooked scrambled eggs with a side of burnt bacon. “Note to self, cut back on the temperature or time for cooking” you murmured taking a mouthful. At least the flavour wasn’t completely destroyed by overcooking things, sure the flavour wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough to eat without too much struggle. After you finished eating and washing dishes you went and got dressed in a pair of beige capris and green tee-shirt.  You then climbed back onto your bed and grabbed the scroll you had started reading last night and settled in to get some reading done.

A few hours had passed and you had read three scrolls on hand signs for focusing your chakra to your hands and to get the right combination of energies to create a healing chakra. You were glad that Lady Tsunade hadn’t given you many scrolls on non-chakra healing, since you were already pretty decent at first-aid. You decided to try it out and unwrapped one of your bandages that covered one of your stitched injuries. You made the hand signs and focused the chakra to one of your hands, then held your glowing hand over one set of stitches. You didn’t notice anything happening, so you decided to focus more chakra to your hand. You gasped as pain shot up from your injury and released your chakra. You looked at your arm and saw a burn mark caused by too much chakra. “Dang…guess I’ll have to work on being patient and not try to force the healing to be faster…” You took a deep breath and tried again, but keeping the chakra levels lower. After about half an hour you had managed to get rid of the burn you had given yourself and drastically improved the appearance of the stitched injury. You had to stop though because you were exhausted. You didn’t have the balance quite right, so you had wasted a lot of chakra. Plus you were getting hungry. “I guess I’m due for a bit of a break, I think I’ll try to find that ramen place again….and maybe I’ll try to find Kiba’s place, so I can visit Gus.”

You didn’t know many people, so you grabbed a small scroll to read while you ate, since you figured you probably wouldn’t run into anyone you knew. You also grabbed your kunai holder and strapped it to your leg. Kiba had told you that it was a good idea to always carry a weapon just in case. You really weren’t used to this sort of thing, Field Village never had any reason to actually carry weapons…or lock doors for that matter. But if Kiba said it was a good idea you’d just have to get used to it. So when you left you locked the door behind you and started walking down the stairs. You started walking down the street that you figured was in the direction of the ramen place. You got turned around a few times and wound up walking down some street that you hadn’t been down at all on your tour. It looked like there was a bunch of bars and dance clubs on this street. Nice to see this village has places to dance you thought, smiling to yourself. You enjoyed going to clubs, but it looked like all of these clubs had age restrictions. You looked at a sign on one of the doors as you walked and sighed. Yup, all these places required you to be legal age to get in. (LEGAL AGE IN THIS STORY IS 18.) You would have to wait a little over a month before you could check the clubs out. You looked at every club entrance, hoping for an all-age club. If this village had one it wasn’t on this street and you sighed in defeat. You stepped onto a new street and it still didn’t look familiar, so you decided to hop up to the roof of one of the buildings to try to see where you wanted to go. It paid off cause you immediately spotted the roof of Ichiraku Ramen just two streets over. You decided to stick to the rooftops to get over to it. You hopped down landing in front of the fabric entrance and walked in. You took a seat by the wall, not even bothering to look around. A girl that had a resemblance to the owner you’d met before came over and took your order, she must be his daughter or something. You ordered the beef ramen since you had enjoyed it, you actually asked for two orders since you were still trying to get back up to your healthy weight. The girl turned towards the owner who was obviously in charge of cooking, “Hey dad! Two beef ramens!” You smiled to yourself, glad that your guess was right. The girl gave you a glass of water and some bread to eat while you waited, “Sorry, we’re pretty busy so it’ll be a little bit of a wait.” You pulled out the scroll and held it up for her to see, “No worries, I brought something to occupy myself.” She smiled and moved to deal with other customers. You glanced around to see just how busy it was. Almost every seat was full, so you were pretty happy that you had even gotten a seat. You settled into your seat and opened the scroll and started reading. After a little while your first bowl of ramen was placed in front of you and you happily started eating.

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