Chapter 24

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Your feet were aching and everyone was dragging their feet. Your group had been walking all day without any breaks. Even you were starting to feel tired and you had the energy boost from your tattoo. The only person that didn’t seem tired was your ANBU guard. “C’mon kiddies, we’re almost there!” he shouted from his distant lead. None of you bothered to try to pick up your pace. How he had so much energy at his age was a mystery to you. You had guessed that he was probably in his 40’s based on how he talked and acted and the few strands of grey in his hair. You found it odd that the only part of him that wasn’t covered by clothing or his mask was his hair. Most other ANBU had their arms showing at least. As annoying as he could be with his watchful gaze always on you and Kiba, you felt an odd sense of comfort around him. Maybe it was cause his hair was the same colour as your mothers had been.

Kiba heaved a sigh and shouted back up to the ANBU guard, “You’ve been saying that all day. I’m starting to doubt your judge of distances old man!” You smacked Kiba on the back of his head. He turned and looked at you with wide eyes, “What was that for?!” You narrowed your eyes and gave him a joking glare, “For being rude. He’s been very nice to us and has looked after us well so don’t go calling him old man.” Kiba rubbed the back of his head, “You know who else is nice to people and look after them? OLD PEOPLE!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the face Kiba made when he said that, “True as that may be, it’s still rude to call old people old.” “I can hear you, you know.” You jumped at the voice that was right beside your ear. You whipped your head around and realized that your ANBU guard had come back to the group without you noticing. You gave him an apologetic smile, “Er… sorry.” You turned your head and noticed Kiba sneak away while his attention was on you, probably trying to avoid being scolded. “How’s your tattoo feeling?” You turned to look at the ANBU man again. You shrugged, “It feels fine.” The truth was that it was aching more and more as time went on. The only time you felt relief was when you had contact with Kiba, but when you didn’t have contact the ache was getting stronger. “Oh really?” You could tell from his tone of his voice that he didn’t believe you even slightly. He reached out and flicked your neck right beside you tattoo and you hissed slightly in pain. You slapped your hand over your tattoo and staggered slightly. The energy that shot from it when you touched it was also stronger. The man crossed his arms, “That’s what I thought. Report the change to Tsunade as soon as we get back to the village. She’ll have access to information that’ll help relieve the pain of its awakening.” He began moving away to lead the group again, but you grabbed his arm, “You know something don’t you?” He removed your hand from his arm and you could sense a wave of sadness and…pride? come from him for a second before he started walking away from you, “Who knows” was the only answer he gave. Before you knew it he had run ahead of everyone and was back to calling for us all to hurry up.

Kiba came back beside you, “What was that all about?” You glanced at Kiba and saw he looked worried. He must’ve been watching, “He said I need to speak to Tsunade as soon as we get back to the village.” Kiba gave you a look for avoiding telling what he was really asking about, “I figured you’d have to anyways. I meant what happened when he touched you?” You didn’t want to make Kiba worry about you and have him know how much pain your tattoo was causing you so you only told part of what happened, “He flicked it and it hurt.” Kiba’s eyes didn’t leave your face, “I thought it didn’t react to anyone other than me.” You rolled your eyes, “You’re the only one it REACTS to, but it’s tender and hurts to be touched. Even when Hinata touched it, it kinda hurt.” Kiba narrowed his eyes and looked towards your neck, “I’m gunna wait for you at your place while you talk to Tsunade.” You tilted your head confused. You had figured that he’d want to go home and get some sleep. That was all you wanted to do after all this walking. “I’m gunna touch it” Kiba stated and you tripped over your feet slightly. “What?! Why?” Kiba looked back ahead and blushed, “You said it reacts differently to me. Maybe when I touch it, it won’t hurt. I guess I’m just curious. Aren’t you curious as to how it’d react if I touched it?” You blushed as well and nodded. You had been curious ever since you had discovered the difference. Kiba’s blush darkened more, “Besides…I need to talk to you about something. It’s been on my mind and I’m going mad not knowing…and I want some privacy to talk to you about it.” You had a feeling you knew what he wanted to talk about. The memory of the night in the hot-spring and what he kept saying as he was dragged away. You blushed and looked away from him to try to hide the idiotic grin that suddenly spread across your face. There was the chance that he was going to say that his behaviour was only because of your jutsu, but your instincts told you that that wasn’t what was going to happen.

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