Chapter 8

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The tour was excellent. Kiba showed you where some of his friends lived, though none were home for him to actually introduce you, he also showed you where some of his favourite hangout places were. He took you to several training areas, so that you could find them once your combat training started. After he showed you everything you would need to know the location of, his whispered something in Akumaru’s ear. Akumaru took off running through a heavily forested area with you both holding onto his back. “Where are we going now Kiba?” you called to him over the sound of Akumaru’s paws hitting the ground. “You’ll see y/n. It’s a really special spot. I think you’ll really like it” Kiba said while leaning closer so that he wouldn’t have to shout. After a few minutes you all entered a clearing near the top of a cliff. There was a small pond with some large boulders to the far right of the clearing and there was a large tree with some large, low-hanging branches near the edge of the cliff. You could see a flat area near the tree with an obvious fire pit in it. “I like to camp out up here whenever I need a break from home and don’t have any missions” Kiba said while hopping off Akumaru’s back. He held his arms up to you to help you down. You were thankful for how considerate he was of you not being fully recovered. You were exhausted from the long day in town.

Kiba walked you over to one of the low hanging branches and he climbed up. You quickly climbed up after him. You both sat on a branch about halfway up the tree and looked out towards the village. You gasped at the view. You could see almost the entire village stretching beneath you and you could see the almost endless sea of trees that surrounded the village, “Oh Kiba, this is amazing!” Kiba smiled at you, “Of course! I wouldn’t take you anywhere that wasn’t! But it’s mine and Akumaru’s secret spot, so don’t tell anyone about this place ok?” you nodded, agreeing to keep it a secret.

The two of you sat and talked for a while, with him occasionally pointing out places that he hadn’t taken you past earlier. Before long the sun started to set and you both fell silent to watch it. As the sun sank lower over the forest a cool breeze began to blow, giving you goose-bumps. You rubbed your hands over your arms gently, staring at the city with a smile on your face. It’d been a long time since you had felt so peaceful and content. Another breeze hit you and you shivered slightly. Suddenly you felt something soft and warm wrap around your shoulders. You jumped, snapping out of your daze, and turned to look at Kiba, who was now in just in his black tee-shirt and netted overlay. You looked at what was on your shoulders and realized it was his jacket. “Thanks Kiba” you said while pulling his jacket more securely around your shoulders. “No problem, but we should probably get going. I still have a recipe or two to teach you” he said while starting to climb down. You simply hopped off and focused your chakra to your feet to give yourself a gentle landing. “Show off!” Kiba said as he hopped off the last branch and landed beside you. You gave him a cheeky smile and walked over to Akumaru, who bent to let you climb on his back. Kiba climbed up behind you and Akumaru took off running again.

The three of you arrived back at your apartment after a few minutes. Once you and Kiba climbed off of Akumaru, Kiba turned to Akumaru, “You head home and get some dinner, and I didn’t remember to bring your food with me today. Sorry buddy.” Akumaru shook and took off towards his home. Kiba and you started climbing the stairs. Once you got to your door you unlocked it and you and Kiba went in. Kiba led the way into the kitchen, “I only really know simple recipes myself, so that’s all I’m gunna teach you ok?” You nodded, “Sounds good, I’m just a beginner after all.” Kiba smiled and started taking out some ingredients, “I’m gunna show you how to make pork chow mien. It’s the most complicated of the recipes I brought. The others should be easy enough for you to figure out, even with being a beginner.” He pulled out a small stack of recipe cards from his pocket and put them on the counter. Kiba got you to cut up the pork and start frying it with some seasonings while he began boiling the noodles. Once the meat was cooked Kiba came over and added the now drained noodles to the frying pan and added some bean sprouts and some other veggies. He added some oil and salt while you stirred the noodles. After a while of stirring Kiba turned the heat down and put a lid on, “Gotta let it soak up the flavours for a while, so we might as well make some salad to go with it.” You already knew how to make salads so you got ingredients out and started on a cucumber and tomato salad while Kiba kept an eye on the chow mien.  After the chow mien simmered for about 15 minutes the meal was ready. “Wow that was really simple!” “Like I said, I’m only going to teach you simple recipes. Simple but good!” Kiba said with a big smile as he loaded up the plates and grabbed chopsticks. You both knelt at the low table and began eating. “So how’d I do as a tour guide?” Kiba asked with a mouthful of pork. You swallowed your mouthful before answering, “You did great Kiba! I got to see a lot, hopefully I remember it all.” “Well if you ever need to know where anything is feel free to come by my place, if I’m not there nee-san will point you in the right direction. My place is actually just a couple streets over that way” he said while pointing to the right, “and if you ever get lost, you can ask pretty much anyone. The people here are usually pretty friendly and pretty helpful.” The two of you finished your meal and then tag-teamed washing the dishes.

After everything was cleaned up and put away Kiba headed to the door, “I should probably head out, I have a mission early. And you need to get some rest.” You nodded and walked over to the door with Kiba. “Thanks for everything Kiba. I really appreciate it!” Kiba smiled and ruffled your hair, “Hey no problem! What are you gunna do tomorrow?” you shrugged your shoulders, “Dunno. Probably read and try to get some more of my strength back. Maybe go visit Gus. Sakura said she was gunna come by and get me for something in the evening.” Kiba grinned and opened the door, “Cool. If I get done with my mission early I’ll try to come by and visit you” he said as he stepped through the door. “That’d be nice. Have a good night and have a safe walk home.” He nodded and jogged down the stairs and down a side street out of sight.  You shut the door and decided to go take a bath, then get some reading done before you called it a night.

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