Learning the Truth

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We have the whole plan worked out by the time Rachel knocks on the door. There's a glass of water in the kitchen with a sedative in it. If Rachel has the drugs on her, she'll drink the glass, and I'll inject her with whatever she has, causing the overdose. If she doesn't, then once she's knocked out, I increase the dose in the drink and force it down her throat, again, causing a fatal reaction.

That said, I do feel a little bad for Veronica and Syed. They're resolve in getting justice for Liza seems to be carrying them through any doubts they may have had, but that doesn't mean they're finding this easy. I can tell they're really hoping Rachel is innocent, or says something that changes my mind about killing her. I can't imagine what that would be though.

I sit on the couch in Veronica's living room with Syed where we listen to Veronica open the front door for Rachel.

"Come in," we hear her say, curtly. We decided there was no point in faking kindness, as it would probably come across as insincere and tip her off that something was wrong. Maybe later on in the interaction if we thought it may make her drop her guard. But at first, everything had to be as authentic as possible.

I look up as Rachel enters and sees me. "Nate," she sounds terrified. "Nate, I'm sorry."

It takes all the strength within me to not grab a knife and slash this bitches throat right now.

"Why don't you sit and tell us all what you are sorry for," I reply, coldly while gesturing to the chair opposite us.

Rachel's eyes move from me to Syed and then Veronica who followed her into the living room. "Do they really have to be here too?"

"You said what happened to Liza was your fault," says Veronica. "That girl is as much a sister to Syed and I as she is to Nate. So yes, we will be here to as you apologize for whatever it is you did to our family."

Rachel gulps and takes a seat on the chair. Veronica remains standing as per our plan, should her combat prowess be needed. If Rachel were to figure what we were planning, she could probably easily take Syed and I down in a direct confrontation thanks to her karate training. Only Veronica would be able to match her. Yes, I was able to take Veronica down before, but I had the complete element of surprise. Rachel is probably expecting hostility.

"I'm... I'm not sure where to start," Rachel looks around the room, as if hoping one of us will help her. We remain silent and eventually she gives in.

"I know Liza overdosed on heroin," Rachel begins.

"And how would you know that?" I ask, despite knowing the answer. "The syringe she used was taken to the hospital and no one has told me anything yet."

"Because I gave it to her," Rachel replies, the words clearly hurting. "And it wasn't the first time, either."

Internally, I feel another pang of doubt in my resolve. I hadn't expected her to be so forthcoming. Nor did I think she would so obviously feel bad over what had happened. But surely, no reason she could possibly have would justify providing a known addict with a history of overdosing with more drugs?

"Lucas Remar," Syed says on my behalf, his voice trembling. "You were her drug dealer back then, weren't you? You gave her the heroin she overdosed on that night, didn't you?"

Tears are filling Rachel's eyes now. "Yes, but I didn't know that would happen! If I had known, I never would have given her another dose, I swear!"

"But you did," Veronica chimes in this time. "You gave her more heroin last night, despite knowing she was a recovering addict!"

"She threatened me! She said if I didn't give her more, she would expose me. And when I brought only a small dose for her, she knocked me out and took everything in my car as well!"

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