A Lot of Questions

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I stand at Liza's bedroom door, watching as Bianca sits next to her, stroking her hair as she lies in bed. She's still a mess, though she calmed down a bit. I tried calling our parents, but they're tied up at work. Mom said she would get home as soon as she can.

I still can't wrap my brain around what happened. Liza seemed perfectly fine at first. Bianca said she showed no signs of distress before they arrived at the park. What could have set her off that badly? Rachel swears she has no idea what happened. I want to believe her. But her initial hesitation to the whole gathering has left a lingering doubt inside of me... Enough that I texted Veronica and asked her to call me when she has a minute.

As if on cue, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I head downstairs and answer. It's Veronica.

"Hey buddy," comes her voice as I sit on a couch in the living room. "How is she?"

"She's better," I reply, letting myself sink into the cushions. "Still not sure what caused the episode though. That's actually why I wanted to talk to you."


I take a deep breath. "So, I know this sounds weird, but like I said, we were just starting this double date type thing with Rachel, and at first, Liza didn't seem to recognize her. But Rachel was uncharacteristically hesitant to seeing Liza at first. Liza's claiming what happened she was having flashbacks to her overdose and how she was assaulted. But I can't help but wonder if there's something from her past with Rachel we don't know about."

"What?" Veronica asks. "What you think it could be?"

"I don't know. Presumably something that happened when they were at school together. Or maybe something about her overdose we don't know about. It just really seemed like Rachel may be hiding something."

"Okay, so how can I help?"

I sigh. "Vee, I know you would never have brought Rachel into my life if there were obvious signs of a problem between her and Liza. But did Rachel ever mention anything that may have hinted about some kind of untoward history with her and Liza? Something that made you uncomfortable, if even in an insanely tiny way?"

"Um, I'm not sure," Veronica replies. "I don't remember anything about Liza being said, or ever mentioning her at all. The only person we both know who we talked about was Erin."

"Erin?" I ask, surprised. "How come? Did the two of them even know each other? Rachel hasn't really even mentioned her since they drove home together the night of your birthday."

"Well, they must have had some kind of connection. Erin's the one who signed Rachel up for my Karate class. She got her some kind of coupon."

"Really?" my eyes widen in confusion. "Erin was at the park today when we found Liza, but she and Rachel never said anything to each other. I would get it if they only met once, but if they were that close before..."

"I can ask Erin if you want to," Veronica offers. "I know I'm a bit closer to her than you are."

"No that's okay, I'll take care of it. Thanks Vee."

"Anytime bro. Keep me updated on how the little one's doing."

"Of course." I then hang up and scroll to Erin's number, wondering what she knows.


"Ohhhhh, yessss, yessss," I moan with my legs spread on Eve's bed as she eats my pussy.

My state of bliss is interrupted by my phone buzzing on the nightstand.


"Ignore it," Eve says.

"Hang on," I say after seeing it's Nate. I'm pissed at him for interrupting, but downright curious over what it's about. I swipe accept call, purposefully ignoring Eve's irate glare. "Hey Nate, what's up?"

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