The News

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I knock on the front door of Erin's parents' house. A few moments pass before her mother answers the door. From her face, it takes a moment for her to recognize me.

"Nathan, right? Erin's friend?"

"Nate," I reply, quickly. "And yeah, not sure if Erin told you, I was just going to meet her in your backyard for a bit. Just to chat. Wanted to make sure that was okay."

"Oh yeah, of course, she called us. You can head out back. I'm sure she'll join you once she get's here."

"Thanks." I head around the side of the house, hoping Erin get's here soon. I can't wait too long to get back to Veronica and Syed. If Rachel wakes up, there's no telling what may happen.

I take a seat at the table and start to appreciate just how much I miss using my phone. We really are just that dependent on electronics, I guess. I lay the shell and the battery on the table in front of me, just so I have it handy in case I need to call Veronica in case of an emergency.

Still, despite the lack of distractions, I didn't get the same murderous rage every time I saw a pedestrian today compared to that stroll down the road my Dr. James' office a few months ago, the day I met Dr. Sanchez. It was there, but I was able to keep it down by thinking about how I slit that man's throat last night. I frankly find it amazing all that has happened in the last 24 hours.

As I sit there in the warm, evening air, I hear the sound the sliding door opening.

"Nate, could you come here a sec?" Come's the voice of Erin's mother. I oblige and follow her. She points to the TV, across from which, her husband is sitting on the couch. "Isn't that your friend Veronica's house on the news?"

"Say what now?" I step inside and stare at the TV, tuned to CP24, with the banner talking about a situation in Markham, with the camera focused on a house that looks very much like Veronica's. Cops are blocking the street and Crime Scene Technicians are visible in the background.

I feel my heart sink, and with it, my bloodlust toward Rachel and possibly Erin. Oh, I hate them. Well, I hate Rachel, and might hate Erin, not sure yet. But either way, the jig is up. I can't do this anymore. My friends are in there, surrounded by cops, because of me. The only reason they haven't surrendered yet is probably because of me. I love Liza, and want justice for her. But I love Veronica and Syed too. I should never have dragged them into this.

"We have new information on the shot's fired that witnesses a few minutes ago," they say. "Victor Ferguson, a spokesman for the York Regional Police has confirmed they have neutralized two suspects at the scene and that a hostage they were holding has been secured. Ferguson tells us that while both suspects are now deceased, they do not believe the threat to the public is over."

I freeze in my tracks upon hearing that. No, they did not just say that. They did not fucking just say that. No, no, no. I did not get Veronica and Syed killed. I did not get Veronica and Syed killed. I did not. I could not. I would not.

But you did, says the voice in my head. I got them killed. My best friends. My brother and sister. They are dead. Because of me.

"Nate?" Erin's mother calls over. "Are you okay?"

My sister overdosed because I brought Rachel into our lives. My friends are dead because I couldn't control my insatiable bloodlust. I did this. Me. I killed Veronica and Syed. I killed them. Because I wanted to kill Rachel. And the only reason I wanted to kill her resulted from me bringing her within spitting distance of Liza.

"Nate?" I hear her walking towards me.

But who brought Rachel into your life, comes the voice. And I realize what it means.

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