The End

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As I sit in the interview room, the weight of everything that has happened over the last day starts to set in. I have been fake arrested, had my parents murdered, my girlfriend stabbed, and now I'm in the police station, at the mercy of a detective who is clearly suspicious of me. And yet, I'm still not particularly disturbed. It just feels like, somehow, things will work out. They have so far, right?

Honestly, the worst feeling is that I didn't get to gut Nate like a pig. That asshole probably died thinking he successfully killed Eve. Ugh. The officer who brought me in Shah, told me a little while ago that they had successfully treated the knife would and they would just be keeping Eve in the hospital for observation.

Some might say that what's happened is my fault. They may say that Nate was managing his dark side before little ol me stepped in and deliberately inserted one of the worst triggers possible into his life. So, one might say that what happened was in a sense, karma. Well, bullshit. What exactly have I done wrong? Nothing. If the stupid people of the world could just stop causing a stink, and do what I wanted, there would be no worries. Why should I be held responsible for Nate's instability? Liza's drug use? Or Rachel's drug dealing?

As I think, the door opens, and in walks Detective Mohammed, and another man in a suit.

"Hello again, Erin," she says. "This is Detective Murdoch from Homicide. We're going to ask you a few questions about some recent events, okay?"

I nod. "Fire away."

"First," Murdoch looks at me, "I need to advise you this conversation is being recorded on camera. Second, you told Constable Shah you were waiving your right to an attorney, is that correct?"

I nod. "Yes." There's no lawyer out there I trust. The only one was killed.

"Right then," Mohammed pulls out a file. "You told me the other day about your relationship with Nathan Rivers. Wonder if you could tell us a little bit about your relationship with Rachel Jasani and Veronica Dunbar. How did you meet Rachel?"

Mohammed's tone tells me she is trying to catch me in a lie. And since cops rarely ask a question that they don't know the answer to, I really should just be honest. Nothing about what I did with Rachel was illegal.

"I met her in a bar," I explain. "I don't remember the name of it, it was so long ago. But she was clearly very upset. We bonded, she told me about her life, and I brought her back to my place to sleep off the drunkenness."

I can see the disappointment in her eyes, confirming my theory. Mohammed knows everything. I bet Rachel told them how we met and how I was the one who manipulated her into Nate's life. It's probably killing her to find out why.

"And what about Veronica?" Murdoch asks. "Might you know what enticed her to bring Rachel into Nate's life?"

"I set it up by subtly encouraging her," I reply.

"And, why would you do that?" Mohammed asks.

I shrug. "I like being a matchmaker?"

"A fucking matchmaker?" Mohammed stands up. "Is that what you call setting up a friend with the girl who caused his sister to overdose, which led to her getting raped? Is that what you call it?"

I stare at her, blankly. "What can I say? I've always said, forgive and forget. If Nate wasn't as forgiving as I'd hoped he'd be, I can't be held responsible."

"Can't be held responsible..." Mohammed is almost trembling with rage. "Eight people are dead. Eight! Including your parents. And those are just the ones we know about. And you sit there as if this was a high school prank?"

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