An Easy Target

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I exit the car that Salvini's goon left outside Eve's building for me and head into the restaurant, Viking. There, I find the lights off and the dining area visible to the public deserted. Probably because of the pandemic. And yet the door is unlocked so I'm thinking the more private and yet potential spreader of COVID room below is still open.

I have mixed feelings over what I'm about to do. For one, it feels good just to be out again, dressed as Amanda, having the power of knowing what I'm about to do to someone. Still, I'm being assigned to do this by the fucking Salvini crime family. If I mess up, I may as well turn my knife on myself because they will come for me. But it shouldn't be too hard. The woman herself seems like she'll be a pretty easy target.

I'll show interest in her, get offered a private session and ask her to come back to a motel with me. From there, my usual method should work. I need to do a bit of recon to make sure that plan will work, but I'm feeling pretty good about it. The file I was given said that while this place allows for sex on the premises, they'll let the hookers go somewhere else for a premium. And while I'm perfectly capable of killing her here, disposing of her would be another matter. Loading bags of dismembered body parts into the trunk of a car in downtown Toronto is a lot harder than a motel parking lot on the outskirts, even with the reduced traffic on account of the pandemic.

Oh, and the fact that, according to the file, the staff here, all of whom I'm sure are very friendly, have no idea of my task, so if any of them caught me, I would have a lot of explaining to do.

I head to the door which says, "VIP" which I've been informed leads to a stairway down to another door labelled "Storage Room" which is actually the entrance to their little side business.

I'm dressed in a smart business suit. I video chatted with Eve while selecting clothes and tools for advice. She said they'll take me more seriously here as a patron if I look like some hotshot gay Bay Street type with a shit ton of money to spend. I asked why I can't just say I'm bi, and she says because then some of the male staff, or even the other patrons may start getting funny ideas. I asked what was to stop them from getting those anyways, and she said, good point, wear whatever I want.

I still went with the suit. It's good and mobile, complete with the same hidden pockets as the one I wore on my first date with Eve. Though given that I'm expecting to be searched prior to entry, I can't bring a weapon in with me, Eve says it should be easy to snatch a small knife from the bar and hide it in my coat after. Apparently, the bar here doubles as an exotic eatery, and they make a mean zebra steak. I will admit that I'm tempted to delay killing this woman until I can try that. When would I ever get another chance to?

Upon reaching the door, I knock on it.

"Who is it?" comes a burly voice from the other side.

"Uber eats," I call, giving the secret code.

The door is unlocked and opened, revealing a guy with so much muscle he could play the Mountain on Game of Thrones. He surveys me, clearly not used to women arriving as patrons.

"You got a problem with it?" I ask.

He hesitates, studies me, then shakes his head and stands aside, allowing me to pass through.

I enter the room and immediately realize why it seems so unusual for me to be here. I had been expecting something classy, high tech, well lit, colourful, or anything that resembled a conventional night or strip club. Instead, it looks like some old, British type, gentleman's only cigar club, minus the massive open windows onto the fields of lowly workers. But it definitely has the smoking. I'm nearly knocked off my feet by blast of tobacco and nicotine in the air compared to outside.

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