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I cuddle up with Eve in her bed, both of us naked, despite it being midday. Over the last month, the pandemic has completely shattered my ability to hunt for victims, with it shutting down nightclubs and bars, and any of my usual hunting grounds, so I really need this to avoid going on a massacre. Even then, it doesn't entirely quell my urges.

"How's this?" she asks, lightly massaging my back.

"So nice," I whisper, my eyes shut while trying to imply for her to be quiet and just let me enjoy the moment. I'm thinking back to my night with Mel and Mitch, my most recent memory of murder. It's been sustaining me somewhat, but the pandemic doesn't exactly have an end date attached to it. I'll need to figure some other way to hunt victims or I'll go insane. I've been considering fake profiles on dating apps. Eve's fine with it in practice, she's more worried about me catching the virus.

"Erin, I need to ask you something," Eve says gently.

"Mmmmm-hmmmmm?" is all I can get out in response, not having it in me to talk.

"What do you think about meeting my father?"

My relaxed state evaporates and my eyes shoot open. I look at Eve, as if waiting for her to start laughing and say she was just kidding, but her look of disappointment at my reaction tells me she is very serious.

"What do you mean? Like, as your girlfriend? You told him about me?"

"Yeah, I did. Why? Is that a problem?"

"Gee, I don't know," I reply, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "Why would I not want to meet one of the most powerful mobsters in the city who I'm guessing is no fan of the gays, and let him know I'm fucking his daughter, for whom he has such a degree of paternal affection that he was having her execute people before she could read."

"Why would you think he's no fan of the gays?" Eve asks me, mildly amused.

"Aren't Italians like that?"

"Some sure. But he's not. I will grant you his organization isn't exactly the NDP in terms of progressiveness, but he's never held any of those views. I'm out to him, and he accepted me on the spot. Even if we don't tell anyone else."

"Wait, he accepted you?"

"Yeah. Why? What did your parents say?"

"I... haven't told them yet."

"Wait, what?" Now Eve sits up. She sounds surprised, though more curious than offended. "Why? Is it because your father's a defense lawyer and I'm a cop?"

"No, it's not any of that."

"Oh," comprehension dawns in Eve's voice. "They don't know you like girls, do they?"

"Hey, I didn't know I liked girls until I met you. I'm barely used to the idea myself. I can't exactly rush into telling other people now, can I?"

"Well, you could technically, but don't worry." Eve takes my hand, comfortingly. "Don't think I don't get how you're feeling. It's not like I wasn't worried when I told my Dad. But Erin, they're your parents. And while I wouldn't tell them your other secret for sure, I truly think they would accept this part of you, based on everything you've told me."

She then starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Just, the kinds of issues you and I find ourselves in. A month ago, you were afraid I was going to kill you and I was afraid you were going to kill me. Today the biggest issue we have seems to be who we tell we're in a relationship and who we're not. You gotta admit, there's a lot of daylight between those two issues."

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